Chapter 21: Personal Biases

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"And you insisted that you didn't have a personal bias." Robby teased as he and Famar followed Kantori and Dakasi back to Rosalind's house. Famar chuckled as Kantori rolled her eyes, trying her best to ignore her mentor's son.
"So, when... how long exactly have you two been together? And when we're you going to tell me about this?" Famar questioned his sister. Dakasi had stolen Kantori's cloak, and was hiding her face with it's hood. She too ignored her brother, knowing her voice would crack should she attempt to speak.

"I think they're ignoring us, Mars." Robby told Famar.
"I think they are, Robby." Famar agreed.
"You guys can't just kiss like that and then ignore us." Robby told them.
"We can do what we want, actually." Kantori retorted.
"No, you can't actually. We just decided." Famar denied.
"We'll tell you later." Dakais muttered.
"I mean, yeah. You aren't exactly getting through the trip without telling us." Robby chuckled.
"Just for that, we might." Kantori threatened.
"What? No fair!" Famar reacted.

"And we care about fairness, because...?" Dakasi prompted.
"Because I'm your brother and you love me so very much?" Famar attempted. He walked in front of Dakasi, and batted his eyes at her. Dakasi scoffed and rolled her eyes, then placed her hand over his face and pushed him aside.
"You two are being so immature." Kantori remarked.
"We're being immature!?! You're the ones that kissed in front of everyone like it was nothing then walked away at full speed. Don't we deserve an explanation? Like are you guys dating? Was it a joke?" Robby reacted.

"We don't owe you one if we aren't ready. Besides the bigger deal you make the less I want to tell you." Kantori huffed.
"Right. So if I just-" Robby began. He then placed a hand on Famar's shoulder, and kissed Famar on the cheek. Famar, who had been laughing at the scene before him, began blushing brightly at the sudden action. He looked towards Robby, and blinked in surprise. Robby's attention, however, remained on Kantori. "So if I just did that," Robby continued. "I don't owe you an explanation? You're not confused as hell?" Robby argued.

"No. You don't owe us an explanation. It's your life, you do what you want with it." Kantori dismissed.
"I think you owe my brother an explanation, however." Dakasi mused. She wore a smirk as she noticed her brother's flustered state. Though her protective side made a mental note to keep an eye on Robby from here on out.
"No, no... He was, uh, just, heh, proving a point." Famar disagreed.
"Mhmm." Robby hummed in agreement. He wore a rather cocky grin, as if he was incredibly proud of himself.

"Whatever." Kantori sighed. She stepped onto Rosalind's porch, and offered a hand to Dakasi. Once Dakasi accepted the hand, Kantori pulled her onto the porch. Dakasi giggled as she leaned into Kantori, and Kantori grinned as she wrapped an arm around Dakasi. With her free hand, she gave the boys a two finger salute. "Anywho, we're gonna go pack. If you must know, yes we are dating, and it started last night. So like, you're literally finding out right after we started." Kantori informed them.

"Ah... I see." Famar replied, still frazzled from earlier.
"Well, congrats. I'm sure Famar and I will have many more interrogations to come." Robby teased.
"They can happen later." Kantori muttered. She then turned with Dakasi, and held the door open as the two of them re-entered Rosalind's home. "Jerks." She then muttered bitterly despite the fond smile she wore.
Dakasi giggled, and placed a hand on Kantori's shoulder. "Yeah..." She agreed, before kissing Kantori's cheek. "But they're our jerks." She added, causing Kantori to chuckle. Kantori took her cloak back from Dakasi, and hung it up on the rack by the door. As she did, Lillian came running down the stairs. She had heard her mother come in, and was here to greet her.

"Morning Mum! Morning Miss Kasi!" Lillian cheered before tackling Kantori with a hug.
"Good morning, Lillian." The two replied.
"Mum'sMum says you're all going on a really long journey. I'm going to be staying here with Aunt Millie." Lillian informed them. "Are you all going to be okay? Mum'sMum seemed really worried." Lillian asked.

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