Chapter 4: The Great Charade

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     "Lady Mountainous." The ball's announcer read from the list of aliases. A woman with short black hair, wearing a grey gown with pale blue accents, walked down the stairs. She wore a mask with sharp edges, decorated with several silver feathers and pearls. "Sir Sword Slinger the Second." The announcer continued, introducing a man in a slimming white suit. A red chain connected to a choker he wore around his neck, and dangled down before looping up into his chest pocket. He wore a plain, maroon coloured mask and matching fingerless gloves. The tailcoat of his suit was trimmed with a metallic fabric, giving some substance to his alias. "The Great Serenader." The announcer continued.

     Dakasi watched from the hall way that surrounded the Ballroom. She had the door that led onto the upper level of the ballroom cracked open, and watched as various guests were introduced. I think Lady Mountainous might be Callant... Dakasi thought to herself. But I could be mistaken. Still, best to avoid her in case I'm right.

     After a few more names, the alias "Frosted Fool" was called. Dakasi giggled to herself, watching the man she recognized instantly walk past her and towards the announcer. Famar, dressed in an extravagant golden suit with white sparkles covering him from head to toe, bowed to the audience before taking the staircase to the ballroom's lower levels.
     "He's such a goof." Dakasi whispered to herself, wearing a small smile.

     Then came her alias. "Shrinking Violet." The announcer called, prompting Dakasi to come out of the hallway. As others had done, she held her chin up high. Her expression was kept monotonous as she gazed over the crowd. She could see the outfit the servant had described as Vincent's... He must have been announced before Dakasi arrived.

     Dakasi slowly lowered herself into a curtsy, then rose and made her way down the stairs. People looked at her in amazement, and unfortunately for Dakasi, it was easy for them to recognize her. Purple eyes like hers signified a rare and powerful breed of Vampire. Long, naturally white hair was even rarer in a Kingdom of Vampires. Usually turning caused hair to darken, but due to being albino to begin with, Dakasi's hair remained the same.

     Dakasi's lips formed a frown as she watched the crowd form a path wherever she walked. How on earth... am I to be discreet in these conditions? She thought. Not that she had chosen an appropriate outfit for stealth, but still. She hadn't wanted attention as herself. Was it so much to ask to be another person? Just for a night?

     Other names were called, and the crowd's attention thankfully turned towards the new arrivals. Dakasi managed to disappear into the crowd, and weaved her way towards the table where beverages were served.
     "A glass of wine, if you'd be so kind." She said to the servant standing there. Her smile was sweet as the servant nodded to her and prepared the drink. "Thank you." She sighed gratefully when she was handed the drink. The servant nodded and turned to serve another guest while she took a sip of her wine. It was bitter, but that was to be expected.

     "For a title like Shrinking Violet, you certainly make a big impression." An unfamiliar voice teased from behind her.

     Dakasi spun around, and blinked at the pair of eyes her gaze landed on. She had never seen a Vampire with green eyes before... The default was usually black or grey. This caused Dakasi's shoulders to tense as she scanned the rest of the stranger's appearance. They wore a shirt of brown silk under a plain green blazer. They wore brown leather boots, green dress pants, a plain green mask, and a taunting smile. Dakasi couldn't see any fangs resting on the other's lips... it was safe to say they hadn't been turned. They aren't a human, however. Their ears had scars where a human's ear lobes would be, and they were pointed like an elf's. But that makes no sense... Any Elf that hasn't been turned has been killed. Dakasi thought.

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