Live Shows Week 6 part 3

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Josh and I had been seeing each other secretly all week, having dates in his and my room. He was occasionally staying over the night. He was so caring and I loved him. Tonight I was singing a song nobody was expecting. A huge risk. You may think that I'm just a stress bomb and that I'm always stressed before my performances but today I was scared like I never before. Tension had already built into my body since the moment I had woken up. The last rehearsals I had been horrible. I couldn't get any of my tuning right. I was now trying to figure out my outfit when the Union J boys came in. I looked back to my rack, looking at the clothing the team had chose for me. I left the room and walked to my dressing room. Laying my outfit on the couch, then walking to make up room. 

"Hey babe, sup ?" Josh linked his arms with mine. I unlinked them and walked more quickly trying to avoid him. He pulled me back. 

"Josh just leave me alone for GOD SAKE !" Instead of leaving me, he directly saw that something was wrong. He was the first one who had actually seen that in me.

"I'm not going to... Just tell me what's wrong ! Have I done something ?"

"No, of course not !" I sighed "Just drop it"

"I'm not going to. Tell me" He pulled me so I was now right in front of him, enabling me to move forward.

"Just leave me alone ! Don't you understand I don't want to talk to you !" He moved out of my way this time, his face dropping. I moved past him and continued my way to the make-up room. I felt so bad for what I had done. Josh was only trying to be nice and I just yelled on him. I needed to find him and explain to him. I tried to make the hairdressers and make up artist go faster but nothing would do it. After that I ran back to my dressing room and changed into my outfit. That's when I heard the show had started. Union J were going before the break so I couldn't even go and see them after their performance. I felt  so bad. Josh had been the only person who had been able to calm my nerves down and now my nerves bad and I didn't have Josh. 

The break was about to finish and I was going third after it. But my stomach started churning again reminding me of the bad times. I knew what was going to happen and so ran toilet just in time for it to happen. 


I was sat down next to the toilet seat when i realised it was turn to go on stage. The nerves intensifying but I couldn't satisfy the toilet anymore so I just had to live with it. The XFactor doors opened themselves, cheers waiting for the beat to kick in. But when they didn't hear, it was like Josh previous face, they all dropped. I had to do it. For Josh. For us. He was the one who had supported me when I chose my song and he was the only one who believed in me. 

I sang like I never sung. I cried like I never cried. And I realised I loved him like I never had loved anyone before. The tears continued to flow even when the song ended. 

"Well Amelie, that was what I call unexpected !" said Gary "The emotion you put in there, to be honest never felt that many shivers in only one song ! Amazing !" For once Gary was totally convinced with my performance, I was really happy.

"As Gary said that as unexpected ! But I really truly loved ! You've been growing so much since the begining of the competition, I just can't believe it ! Well done ! I think you couldn't better !"

"Got nothing to say ! Just well done !" Well he didn't say much for someone who didn't like me !

"You just left me speechless and that's rare ! Well done my gurl !"

The tears were now of hapiness as I ran backstage. It was the break and after the XFactor leaving me 10min to find Josh and talk to him. All contestants were all there to congratulate me after my performance. Except Josh. When everyone got back to their occupations I grabbed Jaymi. 

"Where's Josh ? I need to talk to him..."

"Can't tell you I'm sorry." He said about to leave. I pulled him back.

"Where do you think you're going !" 

"Going to comfort my mate ! You're hurting him Amelie, leave him god sake !" Jaymi had never been like that to me before, I understood he was trying to protect his friend but I never ment to hurt him. 

I shoved past him and directly saw JJ and George enter their dressing room. I knew he was in there. I opened the door and found him lying on the couch, JJ and George turned and looked at me, I walked past them and sat on the other side of the couch. He continued looking at the football match. 

"Josh please hear me out." Now the boys had left, leaving us our little intimate moment. 

"I'm sorry I yelled on you, I was just awfully stressed because of the song. I let it all down on you, when you were only trying to help. You're the only one who believed in me when I chose that song. I promise it won't happen again."

"You're lying !" He said. His eyes still fixed on TV.

"What ! Of course I'm not !"

"Of course you are ! Remember that day when I say being sick, you promised it would never happen again. But it did, didn't it ? And it's my fault ! I shouldn't have left after you snapped at me, I should've known !" I didn't say anything , he was right, I did happen again but it was never on purpose. But he was right though to have left me after I snapped.

"You were right to leave me. I snapped at you !" I replied, my voice going weak. He opened his arms whilst I buried my face into his collarbone. Even though it had only been a few hours since that last happened it did seem like ages in my head. 

"I wasn't right to leave you. I love you Amelie and if I had balls, I would have stayed even how bad the situation could have got." He whispered in my ears, his warm breath tickling my neck. 

"You know that song I just sang" I whispered.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Well that made me realise how much I loved you. I'm just so sorry Josh..." I finished.

He pulled his face out of my neck and looked at me. His eyes trying to find mine. Our lips were dangerously close. Too close to resist. I kissed him and he kissed back. It was better then the first time, better then every other kiss we had. He smiled into the kiss, so I pulled away. 

"Hey ! Stop smiling I want to kiss you !" I said giggling half way through the phrase.

"Me too" 

Love Story ? (Union J/ Josh Cuthbert/ JJ Hamblett Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now