Live Shows Week 1

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I've finally back in cold old London. The sun wasn't shinning and I still had worries about JJ. I am about to go and visit my hotel room. I get my card from the office and head to the lift.

'Amelie !' I turn around and realise it's JJ. Still at the desk are Josh, George and Jaymi and they're looking at us... I continue to walk, I press the button and the lift opens. He follows me into the lift.

'What do you want ?' I ask.

'I'm sorry, I made everything go too quickly, I'm so sorry I didn't want to hurt you... I respect your choice though, and I'm sorry if I hurt you...' A tear starts to run down my cheek, I don't want him to see it. I quickly walk out of the elevator and walk quickly to my room.

I've only started unpacking when someone knocks on the door. I open it and discover Ella.

'Hey come on in !' I'm trying to look happy even though i'm not.

'Hey, I've got a great idea !' Well that was quick !

'What do you want to do ?' I answer hesistately.

'Why don't we prank Union J and District 3 ?'

'Sounds fun ! When should we do that ?'

'Now, both the groups are off at the gym !'

'But how are we going to get in ?

'Got the keys out of their bags !

'Nice one, but we have to get on with it !' We both run throught the corridor trying to find the rooms of the boys... We enter UnionJ's room and start putting gel in their pants, a bra in the bed and all those kind of things ! We quickly go into the district3 and do the same ! But when we got out the two groups see get out of district3 room and start running after us. Micky, Dan, Greg, Josh, George, JJ and Jaymie bring into UnionJ's room and put me on the bed.

Suddenly Greg says 'Let's give her a shampoo !' What was that ! I had never thought of it but it looked scary. Dan and Micky were tickling me whilst JJ and Greg were holding me and George took the whole bottle of shampoo and emptied it all on my hair ! I can't stop laughing. My stomach is sore and I can smell the men's shampoo all over the place !

When they finally decide to stop, they leave my to get back to my room they say 'That's what you get if you do a prank !' I was heading to the door when I stop, pick up the bra lying on the floor and say 'That's mine !' All the boys look at each other and I walk off, with a lovely big mousse on my head and the smell of perfume all over my body...

I get back into my room and get into my shower. I step in the warm water, it covers my body and drips off the edge of my hands, chin and hair. When i've finally been able to take off all the shampoo smell off my hair, I wrap myself in a warm towel. The bathroom turns into a sauna, the mirror is blurry. I go and sit on my bed, I have goose bumps on my arms, i'm cold ! I log onto facebook and check my notifications... 600 friend requests ! Someone knocks on my door. It's Dan from District3.

'Hey come in'

'Am I not coming in at the wrong moment ?' Oh my god, it's not cose I'm in a towel that we can't talk ! He hands me my other bra which I had left in his room.

'No it's ok...' He comes in his head looking down.

'Are you ok ?' I know it's a silly question but for once I'm not sure if he's feeling alright.

'I'de like to talk to you.' What was he trying to say ? I head over to my bed to sit on it and he follows me. I've never seen him like this, he looks so shy. !

'Actually I need to go.' He headed to the door. I was in shock, what didn't he want to tell me ? Why did he leave so abruptly, so quickly ?

I lied down on my bed, and closed my eyes.


Someone knocked on the door. I looked at my phone and realised it was 9am. I was so late. I didn't even open the door. I slipped into the first pair of jeans I could find, and at the same time brushed my teeth ! I had never been so quick ! I ran down the stairs and saw the boys about to take the elevator. I call they stop it and wait for ! What a a better way to start the day with Rylan !

I just finished my rehearsals when I start packing my bag to leave.

'Amelie ?' Who was this again ? I turn around and discover Josh.

'Yes ?'

'Are you going ?'

'I was just about to !'

'Oh, it doesn't matter then !' Why were Josh and Dan wanting to talk to me and when I'm available, it's gets awkward and then they don't want to speak to me again !

I walked back to the hotel with Rylan.


My first live show was tonight. The adrenaline was filling my blood. I had got massages, had been waxed, a new hair cut, facials and plenty of excellent quality make-up !

I'm in the salon, getting my hair done. On my right is JJ. It was so awkward, I didn't talk... I was trying to concentrate. JJ was laughing, talking, enjoying every moment. Had he forgotten me ?

It was my turn, I took my microphone and stepped behind the big doors. I could hear that the public were screaming out their lungs, for Union J. Then the doors opened. The power of the public and the judges in front of me, paralysed me. All these people waiting for the first lyric to come out of my mouth were like all staring at me.  


After the comments I ran off stage, trying to hide my tears... Dan just saw me. I'm trying to hide, in vain.

'Are you ok ?'

'What do you think ?' Oh well that was harsh coming from me !

'I'm sorry, come here !' He holds his arms out. The stress that had accumulated inside had made me cry and I needed someone to comfort me. I fell into his arms. Gripping on to his leather jacket... He was about to let go when I gripped on even harder. What was I doing ?

'It's ok', he whispered in my ear, hugging me even closer to me...

'Thank you, I have to go...' I was still in his arms. I left his arms and turned away. I didn't looked back. Hopefully he did look back. I whipped off the make-up that had leaked and joined the rest of the group. 


The Xtra Factor... OMG ! First week and already an awkward question.

'So girls ! Isn't it hard to live with all these boys ?' Well that was the first embarrassing questions, and it was coming from Carolyne... Why was everyone staring at me ?

'Well, I guess not really, the boys are amazing lads to live with and they're great fun !' That sounded sooo cheesy ! I looked at Dan he winked at me, I smiled, and then I realised that Josh and JJ where both trying to make eye contact ! Had JJ finally stopped to ignore me ? 

Love Story ? (Union J/ Josh Cuthbert/ JJ Hamblett Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now