Chapter Two - Something In The Food

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"See you tomorrow George." I said as George walked out of the store. I still had another three hours of work left. The agony.

Everything was going okay until the security man, Ken, came over to me telling me a man was acting strange on one of the isles. I had no customers waiting so I followed him to the fruit isle where a man was scanning the fruit. I approached him and asked him, "Can I help you sir?"

"Yes," He replied. "I need to check these foods for something dangerous." I looked at Ken who just shrugged. "Like drugs? Are you some inspector or something?" The man looked at me. The fact that he was wearing a bow tie with a tweed jacket made him even weirder. "Yes. I am an inspector. Please, don't touch the bananas. I'll be back  later." He warned and ran out of the supermarket.

"People these days." I mumbled then returned to my job.

I kept thinking about the strange man in the store all night. It was finally time I could go home. "Night Ken." I said as I walked out of the doors. That was when I remembered that I needed to buy some food. "Nearly forgot to buy some things." Ken rolled his eyes jokingly and we chatted while I got some things. I came to the fruit and nearly walked away when I remembered what the man said about the bananas. I picked some up anyway, because obviously that man was crazy, and paid for everything.

Danny was surprisingly waiting outside for me. "Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" I laughed. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. He walked me to the local park, laid down a blanket and we sat down. "Picnic in the dark." Danny had made some sandwiches and I got the fruit from a bag that I had bought and laid some out on the blanket. Danny also got out some wine and poured some in a glass that he had. "I didn't think we were allowed alcohol in the local park."

"We're not but what's life if you can't be a rule-breaker sometimes?" I giggled and sipped my wine. "I know this is not much but I love you and I wanted to do something nice."

"Good thing I bought food today then isn't it? But don't eat all of it." I ate one of my sandwiches and laid down on the blanket. Danny joined me and put his arm around me. "We'll always to be together right?" He asked.

"Always." I smiled up at him and kissed his lips. "Come on, eat up. I didn't buy this food to be wasted but like I said, save some." I gave Danny a banana, another sandwich and a top up of wine. We ate quicker so we could get back home because it was getting cold outside. Everything was going smoothly until...

"Danny. Babe, what's wrong?" I said. Danny's whole body was shaking and his heart was beating like mad. "Stand back!" Someone behind me yelled. It was the man from earlier. He knelt down and pointed a metal stick at Danny's body. "Found it."

"What have you found? What the hell are you doing to him?"

"Disabling something that could kill your boyfriend. I told you not to touch the bananas!"

"I thought you were mad." The man was pointing his stick at Danny's stomach. Danny was losing consciousness. "He's dying." Tears were forming in my eyes. I was scared that I was about to lose my boyfriend.

"He's not dying. Well, he is but he is actually changing." The man stopped pointing his metal stick at Danny. "There, disabled. Now, I think you should get him to a hospital. You need to get that chip removed." Chip? The man ran off and I called for an ambulance and packed everything in the picnic basket in the process. People were looking out of their doors and windows just staring at Danny being taken into the ambulance. I couldn't stop thinking about the strange man. What did he mean by he was changing?

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