Chapter Twenty-Seven - Same Man, Old Face

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The Doctor was still quite joyful when I came down to the console room after waking up. "Ah, Anya. Where shall we go today?" He asked.

"How about we put the TARDIS on random? We can enjoy the surprise together." The TARDIS suddenly tipped to one side sending me flying onto a railing. "What's happening?"
"The TARDIS is being controlled! She's picking up some sort of teleportation signal. It's locked onto you."

"What?" I cried still holding onto the railing with all my might. I felt a tingling feeling all around my body and I guessed it was the teleport. The TARDIS tipped to the other side sharply sending me falling to the floor and banging my head on the floor.

The shaking had stopped and I rubbed my head. "Jeez. That hurt so much. Where the hell are we?" I asked standing up. "What? Who are you?" Someone asked back. A skinny man in a blue suit looked at me confused. "Who are you? Where am I? Are you the one that brought me here?"

"I'm the Doctor. And I asked you first so tell me who you are." This was the Doctor? It must be one of his past regenerations. I was about to say my name but I changed my mind. "Waters, Mackenzie Waters."

"Hello Mackenzie Waters. How did you get on my TARDIS?"

"Teleportation. I don't know who sent me here though. What's the TARDIS?" I had to pretend that I didn't know him otherwise he would get suspicious. "It stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. The TARDIS can travel anywhere in time and space."
"Awesome. I have a friend that travels in space too." 

My phone started to ring. It was my Doctor. "Ah, hello."

"Anya, where are you?"

"Long story short I am in your TARDIS. You were the guy with the long coat and blue suit."

"I remember now. I knew I had seen your face somewhere. Anyway, if you ask him where you are he should say he is checking out a new unnamed planet. Get out and call me back." The call ended and I did my job. "So, where is the TARDIS?"

"I'm on a new planet. Want to take a look?" The old Doctor asked.

"Sure." Before I could go a woman walked into the room.
"Who's she? One of your old friends?" The woman asked.

"Martha Jones, Mackenzie. Mackenzie, Martha Jones. Mackenzie just... apppeared. Never seen her before." I walked out and checked out my surroundings. I had to remember to stay in character. "It's bigger on the inside." I said shocked.


I called my Doctor again like he said. "He should take you to a tree with a twisted trunk. Tell him to leave you there because your friend is picking you up there. Just keep going straight forward though the path of really thin trees." The call cut out and I told the Doctor and Martha what my Doctor had told me to say. We arrived at the twisted tree and they left me there. The tree was actually quite marvelous. It was tall and had shiny light green leaves that swayed about. Everything was beautiful apart from a growling that I heard behind me. I slowly turned to a wolf type creature growling and ready to pounce. It jumped on my sending me to the floor leaning against the tree's bark. I screamed for help and screamed even louder when it scratched my knee hard. Suddenly, a high pitched sound came from the way the old Doctor went. The wolf whimpered giving my a chance to cover my ears. The wolf ran away as the Doctor came towards me sending the wolf running away from us. "Are you okay?" Martha asked running towards me and kneeling down next to me examining where the wolf bit. "Yeah." I answered. "Thanks."

"This wolf must have been wild. It's a new planet after all." The Doctor said.

"We need to take her back to the TARDIS. The wounds shouldn't be that bad. Don't worry, I'm a medical student not someone who thinks they know what they're doing when they don't."

They took me to their TARDIS to a medical bay. On the way I could feel blood falling down my leg and it made me feel a bit sick. I got to sit down on a hospital bed and rest my leg finally but looking at the scratch made me feel sicker. Martha cleaned my wound making it sting even more but I don't know why because they weren't deep scratches and they weren't too big. They were big enough though. Martha bandaged my leg and let me go. I could only just walk but I regected the idea of borrowing crutches.

We went back to the tree where I said goodbye and thank you to Martha and the Doctor. I walked in the direction that my Doctor told me to go and he was also looking for me. I hobbled over to him but he took the effort to run to me and hug me. "You leave for half an hour and you're already hurt." He joked. "But what would you do withouth me, eh?" I said pulling out of the hug and using him as my crutch to walk. I had a lot of explaining to do.

We nearly got to the TARDIS when the other Doctor came running towards us calling my name. "Go Doctor. He can't see you, time lines and everything." My Doctor ran back to the TARDIS and I walked towards the voice. "I'm here." I said when the Doctor came into view. He looked excited and scared at the same time. "The TARDIS found a signal that seemed to be blocked coming from you. She unlocked it and I know who you are. Martha doesn't know yet but I would like it if we got to know each other. I thought I was the last one." He walked towards me and smiled. He knew about me. Now don't ask why but I had always carried around the liquid that I injected into the Doctor before I fled Gallifrey and a needle since I had opened the watch because I knew I would have to use it again. I hugged the Doctor and he hugged back then I injected the liquid into the back of his neck. He let go and had a moment frozen so his brain could get rid of all that happened that day. I made a run for it, or I tried to at least. Tears were running down my face because I didn't want to do it but I had to. It brought back the memory of doing it to my best friend before fleeing the Time War.

I got back to my TARDIS and flung myself into the Doctor's arms and just cried. He sat me down and I explained everything. He seemed to remember what had happened in his memory because everything was coming back to him about me. "You did the right thing though Anya. If you didn't my past would be different." He said. It felt reassuring but I hated doing it. It had to be done though, time lines. 

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