Chapter Sixteen - Frozen

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Edited Chapter 15. Changed end paragraphs slightly.


It had been only five minutes and it was getting slightly colder. I only had my leather jacket to keep me warm but that wasn't doing a good job. I was going to freeze slowly.

The Doctor's POV

We hid in the SUV behind some trees while we worked out a plan. "So run through this again." Amy said. "Right, you and Rory will pretend to be people selling the factory and keep the people occupied. Tell them you were going to do a night inspection of the place because you didn't think anyone was going to be there. Me and the Doctor will sneak in and find Anya but if you find anything tell us using the earpieces." Jack explained. The plan started when Amy and Rory walked into the factory. Jack gave me and earpiece and our job had started. We drove up to the door where Anya was taken through and snuck through the corridors. She had been in there for about ten or fifteen minutes. God knows what they could have done to her in that time.

I nearly gave away that we were there by being my clumsy self and tripping over a box and nearly falling. One of the men came towards the noise and before I knew what was going on an annoyed Jack pulled me into a closet. "What are we-" I was interrupted by Jack who shushed me. That was when I realised that the man was walking past but then left when nothing was there. Jack went out first and hit the man making him unconscious. "One guy left to worry about." He said. We ran around the corridors looking into different rooms on the ground floor. I hoped that it wasn't too late.

Anya's POV

I was sitting with my knees up to my chest to try and get warm but it was too cold. For ages I was pacing up and down the freezer and nothing was keeping me warm. I was just waiting for that point where I would get too cold and my body will change because it wasn't functioning properly. I needed to get out soon and I had tried but I used the last of my hair pins that I had on me. Perfect way to regenerate, freezing to death after being taken by some drunks while in stupid summer clothes. I was feeling weaker and weaker.

I heard someone coming down the corridor so I lifted my head slowly to see who was there just expecting my kidnappers to pop up to check if I was alive still. But it was the Doctor. He unlocked the door and came straight to my side then wrapped his jacket around me and hugged me. I hugged back and whispered a faint, "Thank you" in his ear. He picked me up bridal style then said into an earpiece, "Found her." I just guessed he was talking to Jack.

The others met us by the SUV and the police were arriving. We had to hurry away before the paramedics showed up and tried to examine me because obviously I'm not human. I was still pretty cold but we eventually got to the TARDIS where the Doctor took me to my room and covered me in blankets and gave me some tea. Rory had to check to see if I was okay but I was fine. If the Doctor was any later I could have regenerated but no sign of regeneration for me. Soon I was feeling much better and Jack went back to Torchwood and everything was back to normal. We went to the camp about five minutes after they had left to finish off the night. Amy and Rory slept in their tent while me and the Doctor laid on the sand looking up at the stars. He held my hand for ages and we talked about the stars until I fell asleep. A good ending to a bad day.

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