Chapter Fifteen - Kidnapped

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Hellooooo beautiful people!
I am returning a favour for a good writer grimmfan1234
They are currently writing a book called Ship it or sink it and a horror story A little fun and a little fear. I suggest you read these great books if you're in a fandom or enjoy a little horror.

I had to get out of the Torchwood Hub for a while and find my way back by dawn. I walked out of the Hub and walked the streets where I found the Abzorbaloff and around the block. It was quiet and peaceful apart from a few cars whizzing by and the odd shouts of drunk adults. I tried to avoid them as much as possible seeing as I didn't know Cardiff well but I found my way to the water thing where Jack found me. I found it more relaxing than the fresh air I wanted.

I found myself sitting back on the bench I was sitting on earlier on my own and it was getting cold but I didn't care. It was expected seeing as I was in my beach clothes with only my leather jacket to keep me warm. I started to shiver and then felt a warm arm wrap around my shoulder. "You cold sweetheart?" The drunken man with his arm around me asked. I moved his arm and tried to walk away. "I said, are you cold?" He grabbed my wrist and stopped me from moving as much as I tried to shake my arm out of his grip. "Let me go!" I demanded.

"Na. Give us a kiss darlin'." He walked towards me and tried to kiss my lips but I slapped him and legged it. "Get back here!" The man shouted. I ran away from Torchwood. Wrong choice.

I ran down the town away from the man but he was catching up to me. Surprising seeing as he was drunk. I got slowed down when I crashed into a young man and his friends. "Oi, watch out girly!" He shouted as I ran from him with the drunk guy gaining on me. I turned the corner and crashed and fell again into a man smoking with a beer in his other hand. "Whatcha playing at?" He asked angrily. 

"S-sorry." I said but before I could run off, the other man was there. The two men seemed to know each other. "Got a girlfriend Bill?" The smoking guy asked.

"No, she slapped me. She ain't getting away from me this time." Bill answered and picked me up off the floor but wouldn't let me go. He had one hand around me holding my arms over my stomach and the other around my mouth muffling my screams. "Sam, we're using your car to take her to mine this time." Bill said and he dragged me over to Sam's car still holding me and not letting go then chucking me into the small boot of the car. Despite the banging on the glass of the back window of the car no one was there. I gave up after I realised Bill was in the back seat and he pushed me down. I curled up into a ball and silently cried. No one was coming.

The Doctor's POV

The TARDIS phone rang early in the morning on the planet. I had to get out of the tent, go into the TARDIS and answer it. "Hello, this is the Doctor speaking." I said.


"Ah, Jack. What do you need?"

"It's Anya." The words made me tense up. "She's alive but she was staying at Torchwood but she has gone. I need help. Land outside Torchwood and we'll find her together in the SUV but hurry." Anya's alive? How? Amy walked in confused. "Who was that?" She asked.

"A friend. Anya's alive." We got Rory in the TARDIS leaving the camp stuff on the planet and materialized outside Torchwood where Jack was waiting. "Doctor!" He called from the SUV signaling us to come over. Inside he explained what he wanted us to do. "You two... er..."

"Amy and Rory." I helped.

"Yes. Amy and Rory, check CCTV footage from the past ten minutes on the computers, find Anya around twenty minutes ago and follow where she went. Me and the Doctor will look out the front." We spent a while driving around Cardiff without any trace on Anya until ten minutes into the journey when Rory saw Anya on CCTV. "She came back to where we were but then was chased by a man who she slapped." He explained. "Okay. Rory follow her and Amy do you have her number?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, she gave me hers earlier just in case." Amy answered.

"Good, call her."

Anya's POV

I was laying in the boot for what seemed like hours. The music Sam was playing was loud and hurt my ears a bit. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. Of course, why didn't I use it sooner? It was Amy so I quickly answered it. "Anya, is that you?" She asked.

"Yes." I murmured.

"Are you in a club?"


"Tell us where you are. Your friend Jack is helping us find you because you went missing." Oh great, I had to get up and possibly give away where I was and that I was on the phone and never get help. I took a peek out of the window and saw we were on a motorway. The problem was that I didn't know Cardiff but I knew what the car was. "Black 4x4 on a motorway."

"Are you okay?"

"Help." I ended the call before Bill heard and waited.

The Doctor's POV

"Anya? Anya!" Amy yelled down the phone. "She's in trouble."

"Where is she?" I asked turning around to her hopefully.

"Black 4x4 on a motorway, that's all she said. Is that enough information to go on?"

"For now." Jack said. "Rory, any luck?"

"Still following her." I sat back in my seat and just slapped my head.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have left her." 

"It's not your fault Doctor. She chose to save you and let you go. Don't blame yourself. Heck, you could call this returning the favour." Amy said. She was right. It wasn't my fault, wait no. It was. No. Gosh. This was going to be a long night. "Got her. She was forced into the back of a black 4x4 twenty minutes ago." Rory said and told us the rest of the details then both the Ponds went back to finding Anya on CCTV, Amy on present time and Rory following the cars twenty minutes ago. Now we were getting somewhere.

Anya's POV

I waited for some sign of the Doctor but I had to keep waiting. I peeked out of the window a few times but I had to be quick. I got another call from Amy and I answered. "Hello." I whispered.
"Anya, it's me." It was the Doctor! "Give us a sign that you are in the car we think you're in." I peeked through the window again and saw the Doctor, Jack and the Ponds in a black SUV behind me with the Doctor smile and waving. I couldn't help but smile and stayed looking for more than I should have. "She's signalling! Grab her Bill." Sam said looking through the mirror above him. Bill turned, grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me up. He then had to end up grabbing my waist with his other hand and drag me over to the back seats. It worked and I rolled onto the seat and dropped my phone on the floor. Bill now had hold of both my wrists and was holding me on the seats laying down.

The SUV was still behind us trying to get next to the car I was in but there was no way. It didn't help that Sam was drunk and speeding and stressing. I couldn't see anything that was happening outside or where we were going which didn't really help.

We stopped somewhere and I was once again pulled out of the car and then swung over Bill's shoulder. The SUV was no where to be seen. I didn't know whether they were hiding or had lost us. Bill and Sam must have gone lost the SUV by changing the location because we were standing outside an abandoned factory. I was trying to kick Bill and get off of his shoulder but no matter how drunk this guy was he was strong. He and Sam ran through the factory and dumped me in a small metal room and slammed the door shut. "Ha, bad idea mate. My friends will be here soon and there is nothing you can do about it!" I shouted looking through a small window on the door.

"By the time they get here you will be gone." Sam said. Don't make me laugh I thought. After a while it started to get a bit cold and I could hear one of the idiots saying, "Finally got it working." Great I was in a freezer or something. I was going to freeze and quickly because I was in beach clothes and then the agony of regeneration. Luckily it was only a bit cold but it was going to gradually get colder over time. Sam came up to the door to see me pacing. I saw him and walked to the door. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"We kidnap girls and get a ransom for their safety from friends or family. By the time they come to see them they're dead and we move on to another town." He explained. "But your friends know who we are so we skip the ransom. We're making the temperature colder quickly for you my dear." Sam walked off with a sly grin on his face. They weren't getting away with this but the freezer was getting colder faster like Sam said. This could go either way.

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