Chapter Four - The Cybermen

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It was all a flash. The Doctor and I were running through a Dalek ship with fire everywhere. There were people in a cell, five of which were my family, and they were being shot at until we destroyed the Daleks. They all died but one. My baby brother. I started to cry and the Doctor had to drag me back to my TARDIS. The Doctor didn't have his TARDIS because he had been teleported there. I cried and cried and nothing could stop the tears falling and falling...

I woke up in tears. Danny was hugging me and rocking back and forth to calm me down. Why were my dreams getting so sad? But there was something I was missing and I couldn't put my finger on it. I decided to write everything in my notebook and got up. I couldn't go back to sleep even though it was about two o'clock in the morning. I guess I didn't want to sleep.

I sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee. I was reviewing my notebook of weird dreams over and over again. The thing I was missing must have been in there. Suddenly, I could hear police sirens outside of my flat. I looked out of my living room window and there were about three police cars in the street. Police men were knocking on different houses and asking questions. What did they want? Then someone in one of the houses opposite pointed to my living room window and I backed away as the policeman signalled some of the others to follow him. They were heading towards our flat. Then I remembered that morning and Danny. They were coming to arrest Danny.

I ran to our bedroom and shook Danny awake. "What's wrong?" He asked when he saw my panicked face. "Hide. The police are after you for earlier. They're going to take you away for something that you couldn't control or remember doing." I answered and pulled him out of the bed. I looked around the room for somewhere for him to hide then pushed him under the bed. So typical. That was when the police buzzed my apartment. "Miss Waters?" One said.

"Yes? Who is this?"

"It's the police. We have the right to arrest your boyfriend on suspicion of shooting in a public place killing and injuring people two hours ago. Please may we come in?" I took a deep breath and said. "Come on up." And let them in. It only took them a few seconds to come up to my apartment and knock on the door. I instantly opened it and let them in. There were four of them and each of them searched a room. "Where is he?" One asked me.

"I have no idea. He wasn't here when I woke up a little while ago." I lied.

"Sir, we've found him!" A police woman yelled. Tears started to fall down my face and I saw Danny being dragged out of our bedroom with his hands cuffed behind his back. An angry look was printed on his face. "Please be careful. He's only just come out of hospital." I warned.

"Of course." The policeman that was talking to me said. Biggest lie I had ever heard. They pulled Danny out of the apartment and I followed. They got out of the door and Danny lashed out. He broke out of the handcuffs with such a strength that it looked like they were made of string. The police dived behind their cars and two tackled him to the ground. I knelled next to him as his face turned straight. "Human 1 has been attacked. All attackers will be deleted and Human 1 will be upgraded." A metallic voice said out of no where. "Step back everyone! Move!" A familiar voice cried. It was the Doctor. That was it! The Doctor! He was what I couldn't remember. The Doctor was in my dreams. The police moved out of the way and he came and scanned Danny with his metal stick. "He's summoning the Cybermen. They are going to kill all of us. They are coming. That's them talking by the way." I put my head in my hands and sobbed.

"Can he be saved?" I asked the Doctor. I put my head on Danny's chest and whispered, "Please stay with me Danny."

"That's it! Your boyfriend lashed out because he was angry. Cybermen can't feel emotions. If you make him remember you with love then he can be changed. Keep talking to him."

"I was never going to stop." I looked Danny in the eyes. "Please Danny. Stay as you are. I love you. Oh gosh, I love you so much." A tear fell onto his face and he started to change back. "This better work or you're in serous trouble." I kissed him lips and then felt him kiss back. It had worked. He wasn't under Cyberman control anymore. "He shouldn't change back after I have done this." The Doctor said and scanned Danny's side. "There was a small bit of the chip that broke off and it can't be removed. I've just disabled and by pressing this." The Doctor explained then a loud sound buzzed from his stick. "The Cybermen will forget about the chip and your boyfriend." He got up and walked to a policeman. He explained to him about the attack and why it had happened.

Danny had blacked out and his head was resting on my legs. I brushed my hand through his hair and waited for the policeman to come back. "Like I would believe such a childish story. Now if you excuse me I need to do my job and not listen to fairy tales." The policeman yelled. He and a policewoman grabbed Danny and started to take him away. "You can't do this! How can you not believe this story after what had just happened?" I yelled at them. Another policeman grabbed me from the front and pushed me back. "Let him go this instant!" The policeman ended up having to push me all the way to my apartment.

The policeman sat me down on my sofa while I just sat there with my head in my hands crying. "Your boyfriend will be taken to the station for the night. Tomorrow it will be decided what will be done with him." He said.

"But he didn't know what he was doing. He was being controlled by them Cybermen. Why don't you believe us?" I asked. The policeman turned and opened my door and started to walk out. "Listen to me!"

"Do you want me to arrest you as well?" I stopped in my tracks and slammed my front door shut then locked it. I slid down my door to the ground, pulled my knees up to my head and buried my head in my knees. I cried uncontrollably for ages until I fell asleep there. In the morning I would have to check up on Danny but I needed to sleep as much as I didn't want to. I felt unsafe with Danny's arms wrapped around me making me warm and loved. It didn't feel the same.

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