Chapter Six - The Trees Can Move

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We walked down a path through the forest. My legs were getting really tired because the path went on for ages and it was pretty hot. The whole time I kept thinking that something was moving behind me. There were no signs of life so I just thought that it was my imagination. We decided to stop and sit in the shade under a tree for a while. "Any ideas of what brought us here?" I asked after a while of silence. "Nope." The Doctor replied. I turned when I heard something move behind me. Then I heard a voice. "Help us. Set us free." It whispered.

"Can you hear that?"

"Hear what?" The Doctor couldn't hear it. How? The voice faded and I ignored it. Something was definitely messing with us though.

We stood and continued to walk again. I still felt like something was following us. "Stop a sec." I said to the Doctor and turned to see what was behind me. Nothing. The Doctor joined me with concern on his face. "Chloe, what can you hear?" The noise disappeared. 

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." We turned to go forward but it was a dead end.

 "Those trees weren't there before." The Doctor said. Then I could hear the voice again. But there were more of them. Loads of voices pleading for us to help them and set them free. Just as I thought I was going insane something grabbed my ankle and pulled me to the ground. "Doctor!" I cried. I turned my head to see the roots of a tree next to the path opening at the bottom pulling me in. The Doctor grabbed my hand and tried to pull me away. It was no use. The tree had the upper hand as it had many roots that were stronger than one hand. I was about to be pulled down when the Doctor was pulled down by a tree opposite so he let go of my hand and I started falling.

It was pitch black in the hole but it was a quick fall. I landed and then started rolling down a hill made of dirt until I stopped. "Ouch." I croaked. My ankle hurt from where the root was grabbing me and when I thought it couldn't get any worse the Doctor came flying down from above me squishing me. The tree that pulled him down must of had a different tunnel to dump him in. "How much do you weigh?" I said as the Doctor jumped off me then helped me off the ground.
"Rude." We were surrounded by numerous corridors that lead off into different places. There were all dark except for one. That was the one we headed down.

A light was up ahead but we couldn't make out what it was. It looked like a fire being lit. We got closer to the late and a different and louder voice rung in my head. "Save us. Come closer. Save us." More voices joined in again and it gave me a headache. I stopped, leaned against one of the dirt walls and clutched my head. "Chloe, are you okay?" The Doctor asked walking to my side then putting his hand on my shoulder.

"There are voices in my head calling out for help. There are loads of them just pleading for us to save them. They started calling when we got here." I answered.

"Come on. Lets find these things. Say what the voices are saying every time you hear them." I nodded then walked by the Doctor's side. We finally got closer to the light and I said again what the voices were telling me. "Get closer. Save us. See us." I copied. The voices said one final sentence as we came into the room, "Kill." Me and the Doctor looked at each other with worry. We looked around and we saw people standing up with wires hanging from their bodies. Roots were hanging down from the dirt above us and I had guessed that they were the ones controlling the trees. "You are trapped. Silly humans." A voice said in my head.

"Doctor, they are still talking to me in my head. Why aren't they talking?"

"I guess they talk telepathically."

"You are wrong Doctor." A male voice said. This one wasn't in my head. Someone was saying it. But no one in the room was talking. It was one of the people but they couldn't talk. They were just talking from their thoughts out loud. "Oh Doctor, young Chloe. You just walked right into our trap. We talked to Chloe telepathically because it was the only way to get you to find us. Ha, you felt sorry for us. You thought we were trapped but it's you who are trapped."

"What do you mean?" The Doctor questioned the voice. "Who are you?"

"We are the Unknown. We are called this because you never know who we really are. You never see us. The people you see are humans who we can jump in and control. When we find the slightest bit of insanity then we can go into you and feed on it. Then we use the bodies to control. Let us begin."

The voices filled my head with a different message. "Let us free. Let us feed." I suddenly felt dizzy and had to sit down. I pulled my knees up level with my head and put my head in my hands. The voices wouldn't stop. The Doctor knelt down beside me with his hand on my shoulder. "Listen to me Chloe." He said. "Block out the voices. Don't let them get into your mind. They can't control you if you block the voices out. Think of something else. You have to trust me otherwise you won't be you anymore. Think of Danny, your family. Anything!" I couldn't do anything. I felt the Unknown coming into my head slowly. "Get them out of my head." I finally managed to say. "Get them out of my head!" It came out as a scream. They were driving me crazy, literally. I wished for Danny. Danny would hold me until I felt okay in a bad situation. But where was he? In prison waiting for a sentence. I started to block out the voices and thought about my boyfriend. He was always there for me. Always. "What have you done?" The Unknown shouted.

"She's blocking you out." The Doctor smiled. "You see, if she blocks out your voices you can't feed."

"Are you going to kill us Doctor? You don't even know us. You can't see us. We can find other people to feed on." That was when the Doctor casually strolled over to a control panel with buttons on. They controlled the wired up people. The Doctor pressed the button and nothing changed. "I just stopped you from telepathically communicating and bringing innocent humans to your planet by blocking off your communications." The Unknown didn't say anything back. The Doctor meant all communications including how the Unknown was talking to us in the room.

I was still in the same position. I kept thinking about Danny and the voices. The voices had stopped but I couldn't stop thinking about them. The Unknown must have done something so the voices stayed in my head so they could feed off me easier when they were whispering to me. "Chloe." The Doctor knelt down and shook me and my head shot up to face him. I didn't think at all when I quickly hugged him tight and he did the same. "Lets go." I pulled out of the hug and stood up. I still felt a bit dizzy but I managed.

We walked back to the TARDIS without saying a single word to each other. The awkwardness killed me. We walked into the box and I sat down on the leather seat next to the console while the Doctor pressed buttons and pulled levers and the TARDIS left. My head was still hurting but I tried to ignore it. "I'm guessing that you want to go home." The Doctor finally broke the silence.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked.

"No. Unless obviously you want to go. You could stay here if you want to. Me, you and the TARDIS travelling the Universe." He smiled and I couldn't help but do the same back.

"I want to stay."

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