Chapter Nineteen - Memories Hurt

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The Doctor's POV

Anya had gone to her room to lie down for a while so I stayed in the console room wondering what to do with myself. I am too impatient. There was a white flash behind me and a man stood there smiling. "How did you get onto my ship?" I asked.

"Oh Doctor, you'll find out soon enough. For now I need help and help I will get. Goodnight." Something hard hit the back of my head and I blacked out.

I woke up in the library confused. Wasn't I just in the console room? I remembered someone showing up in the TARDIS then being hit on the head. I was in the console room. That meant that they wanted to hide me from someone. Anya! I ran to her room and knocked before entering. She was strict on me knocking before I entered. "Anya are you in there?" I asked knocking on the door. I got no answer so I let myself in and she wasn't there. I checked the TARDIS for any other life forms but she wasn't on the TARDIS at all. That guy took her. I checked where the TARDIS was which I thought was Anya's flat but it was another ship. Outside the doors was another ship and Anya was trapped in it.

Anya's POV

I was brought into a big silver room but I couldn't see anything but the doors. I was sat down on a chair that spun and faced Xaviar. "I guess you're wondering what I need you for?"

"Yep." I said.

"Well, we needed knowledge. We started off on a new planet where we lured space travellers in to steal their bodies by jumping into their minds. They thought that we were feeding off of their insanity by putting their voices in their heads but that was only a distraction. While they concentrated on the voices we could take control of their minds. Then we could steal their knowledge of space and continue our plan. Then you and the Doctor came along and stopped us. You may remember us. The Unknown. We needed a name so quick I couldn't think of a snazzy one. But I've got to tell you, we had a lot of fun doing this. We controlled the trees to create passages and force people into the trap like we did for you."

"So you followed us and realised that we are Time Lords and that we have lots and lots of information of space and time." I spun around on my chair annoying Xaviar but who cared?

"Exactly that. Now with you I can get the information I need to take over the universe one planet at a time with my Cyberman army."

"Where does Adrian come into this?"

"One: We needed a Time Lord's mind so we tracked life forms on Earth for one and there he was. We made him sick by sneaking into the orphanage and drugging him then waited for people to want him examined and taken away by professionals. Of course, he's only three in Earth years so not much information but we used him to learn your background. Now we can use it against you. Two: We knew that you knew he was taken so he was the only way to get to you."

"Is that so?" My chair was stopped spinning Xaviar so I faced him.

"Yes it is." He let go of the chair and looked at his two bodyguards. "Go down to the dungeons. Start the memory machine." The floor with the chair with me in it and the bodyguards lowered into a medieval type dungeon. It had old dark bricks and a damp floor with no windows but a wooden cell door. The ceiling opened to a glass panel so Xaviar could see me."So, why this design Xaviar?"

"It seemed cool. Best atmosphere for what you're about to experience." What experience? Whatever it was it had something to do with the memory machine. I was pulled over of one of the walls where there were chains hanging on the wall that were put on my wrists so I couldn't move far. One of the guards pulled a weird dome shaped hat with wires coming from it to the floor above me. "Are you ready Anya? Welcome to hell." Xaviar laughed then my mind was taken over by the memories.

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