Chapter Eight - Tough Decision

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"You won't forget me will you?" The Doctor asked.

"Never." I replied. I was fleeing Gallifrey before the Time War got out of hand. I wanted a better life. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back. It was nice for the last hug. I bought a liquid sort of thing from a trader on another planet centuries back that makes someone forget about the person who injected it and now was the chance to use it. Tears started to form in my eyes but I held them in. I quickly injected the liquid into his neck and made a run for it. I didn't want him to remember me, try and find me and take me back to Gallifrey. It was too hard. I didn't want all them memories coming back.

I took the TARDIS to Earth in the future to my friend Danny. He said if anything got to out of hand then I could count on him. I buzzed his flat and then heard a grumpy, "Yes?"

"It's me Anya." I said. The door unlocked and I ran up to hi flat. He was already standing in the doorway and I just threw myself into his arms and cried. He didn't say anything, he just held me then lead me into his living room. What made me better was that he was just in a white t-shirt and his blue boxers.

"What's going on?" He asked giving me a cup of tea and sitting down next to me. I was silent for a moment then told him everything about seeing my family dying and the Time War and how I put my little brother into care. I just didn't want to live like that anymore. "That's where this comes in." I said and pulled out my fob watch from my pocket. "If I put it into something called a Chameleon Arch then it can change my whole mind and biology. I will have a human mind and body. I will not remember anything about this life." Danny understood and allowed me to stay at his home. I was soon back at my TARDIS with Danny and putting the Chameleon Arch on my head. The pain was horrible but I had to do it. Soon I wasn't Anya anymore.


I woke up on the TARDIS in tears. My pillow was wet so I decided to get up instead of lying on a wet pillow. I changed into another red shirt, some black jeans and black converse with a black leather jacket. Then I skipped down to the console room. "Hello Doctor." I said. He was looking at something on his screen and not noticing I was there. That was nice. "Whatcha looking at." I tried to look over his shoulder but he pushed the screen away. "Hello Chloe. Where to now?" He asked excitedly. I knew exactly where to go. "Can you take me home?" The Doctor looked disappointed. He must have misunderstood what I said which made me laugh. "Not in that way. I just need to get some things."

We materialised in my flat about a day after we had left. "I might be a while. I'll give you a call when I need you." I said remembering I had the TARDIS's number on my phone and the Doctor had sonicked it so I can call and receive calls from anywhere in the Universe. I walked out of the TARDIS doors and it left. The flat felt different for some reason. Something wasn't right. Then I looked at the door to see letters and notes from different companies and newspapers. Some notes had questions on it asking what happened. I wasn't going to answer them. I also had two messages on my telephone. I played the messages and sat on the sofa. I had a message from my work asking where I was and how I was. Then the second one made me surprised. It was Danny. He said,

"Hi, it's Danny. I'm calling from the station because they are letting me have a call to say some things. I just want to start of saying that this wasn't your fault. I know you like to blame yourself for things that you didn't do but you didn't know anything would happen. Stupid aliens." I laughed but tears were causing it to be a rather sad laugh. "Second of all I want to say that I love you. I think you are the greatest woman around. Lastly I need to tell you that you can open it if you want to. I know you may not have a clue about what I'm saying but if you do then you can. Open the watch. If you don't then I understand but it seems unfair not to tell you that you can live your real life even if it will be hard. Goodbye."

The watch? I didn't even have a watch... oh. The fob watch from my dreams. I had never seen it though. Not anywhere. I needed to pack some clothes anyway so maybe I would find it that way. So I packed but I didn't find the watch anywhere. But then I found it tucked under my bed. Why it was there I have no idea. I didn't want to open it though, not after the last dream. My dream journal! I wrote the dreams from the nights on the TARDIS in there then decided. Should I open the watch or not.

It took me a while to decide. By a while I mean two cups of coffee and a whole pack of chocolate chip cookies. I could hear a voice in my head saying not to open it but I wanted to open it. I took a walk to calm my nerves. Me and Danny always took walks if one of us were stressed. I was up against two choices: Open the watch and change my whole memory and live as a Time Lord that wanted to forget everything or live my life as Chloe and be happier than Anya. I had made my decision. I went into a toilet stall in the local park and opened the watch.

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