Chapter Eighteen - Tricked

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I spend the next few days in my house. I didn't leave the house or even poke my head out of the window. I needed be alone. No, I didn't. I wanted to be with the Doctor but at the same time I wanted to be alone. My mind was all over the place! It's like I wanted to hear the whooshing sound of the TARDIS but at the same time I wanted him to forget me and leave me... again. I hate that feeling.

I was trying to sleep because I hadn't slept much but I was interrupted by the metallic whooshing sound of the TARDIS. The Doctor stepped out and was annoyed when he saw me lying on the sofa looking so, so tired. "Are you not better yet?" He moaned.

"Yes I am. I was trying to sleep." I said.

"Well come on then. You can sleep on the TARDIS for a while." He pulled me off of my sofa and pulled me into the TARDIS. Amy and Rory had just gone home so I would only have one thing annoying me now. I went to my room and flopped onto the bed I had missed. I didn't sleep though. I just thought about Adrian and how he was being kept in America probably being experimented on. There was a crash coming from the control room and I just thought it was the Doctor being his clumsy self and falling over or dropping something... again. Then the door swung open and a young man came barging in. "Who are you and how did you get onto the TARDIS?" I asked getting off of my bed and stepping backwards. "I am someone you know and have been thinking off so much." He answered.


"Yes. You need to save me from the lab today. They used me for experiments and I had instructions from you to tell you now when I grew up to save me and this is me telling you what you told me to tell you." Okay, confusing but it was my brother telling me to help him in the past like future me. "But the Doctor can't know. I'll give you the address to help me and what floor and room I'm in. But hurry. You must be there by half past ten tonight. No one will be there. The guards have been taken care of by me and so have the alarms. You can pass through safely. Land the TARDIS in the building. You will do it, right?" I nodded in agreement and he gave me a piece of paper containing all of the details I needed on and then left.

I made my way to the control room and the Doctor wasn't there. I couldn't understand why he couldn't know but if it saved my brother then so be it. I put in the address and 10:20pm to give me enough time to find the floor. The TARDIS shook and I was soon going to be in America where my brother was.

The TARDIS landed and I would of headed straight for the door but then I thought about the Doctor. Where was he? I wanted to call for him but he couldn't know. But if I didn't call him and tell him he would be mad. Despite this I still ran for the door and started to look for Adrian's room. Floor 10, room 15. It would have taken ages because the lifts weren't working but I had ten minutes. I got to the floor with five minutes to spare but I couldn't wait to get Adrian out of there so I tried to find the room. It wasn't too far but I had gotten there too early. Oh well. I unlocked the door and turned on the light but Adrian wasn't there. I called out his name but nothing. Half past ten came and still no sign. I was about to leave the room when a figure stood there with a gun pointed at me. "Got ya." A male voice said. It was grown up Adrian. He shot me then everything went black.

I woke up on the floor somewhere else. I was in a cell. The door was also metal and blended in with the wall. I had no wound meaning it was just a sleep gun luckily. I walked up to the door and started to bang on it. "Hey! What's the big idea? Who tricked me and who locked me in here?" The door was unlocked and a Cyberman walked in. Oh brilliant! So, so brilliant. "You will come with me." It said.

"Why?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You will see the leader and you will be the finishing part of our plan." Yeah right.

"First tell me this. Why did my own brother shoot me and bring me here?"

"He is not the boy Adrian. He is the leader of us and tricked you into coming here. You will come now."

"Oh I will. I want to see this leader of yours and give him a piece of my mind."

The Cybermen brought me to a room rather like a living room but older and posher. The leader was sitting on one of the sofas smiling with two guards behind him with big guns. "Glad you could join us." He said standing up and walking towards me. I stormed up to him and punched his face sending him to the ground. The guards grabbed my arms and held me there. "Good punch." The guy stood up and looked at me. "Well, I got you here and now you will help me build my army." 

"Who are you?"

"I am called Xaviar. Said Ex-av-e-ar. I brought you here to give us knowledge and power. It's a shame though. You have a pretty face." Xaviar caressed my cheek.

"You will never get anything out of me. Let me go and give me what I came for."

"Oh you mean Adrian. He's already part of the process." What process? The next thing I know I'm being pulled out of the room by the guards but walking backwards and not being able to see where we're going. Perfect. At least I could see any ways of escaping if I could. That was the only good thing that came out of the situation but at least I was keeping positive... ish.

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