Chapter Seventeen - Freak

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Despite having a good night I was sneezing... a lot. I think I had a cold or a reaction to being in a freezer for ages. We decided that I needed some rest and because I needed to sort some things out at the flat so the best place to rest was in my flat. After we packed up our camping stuff the Doctor brought me back to my flat. Then we decided that he should pick me up in at least three days unless he needs me or I'm better. Fair deal. When the Doctor left however everything got chaotic. I remembered that I had all of the letters at my doorstep to sort out from the two or three weeks I was away. Then I had to see Danny and see someone else I haven't seen in years. On top of that I had to get something for this blasted cold. Busy, busy, busy.

First off I checked for any important letters and put the five important ones on the table so I could look through them later or never. Depends if I was feeling lazy or had nothing to do. Then I had to go to the prisons where Danny was waiting for his trial, whenever it was, and talk to him. I got there, asked to speak to Danny and waited. He eventually came out but we were separated by a wall and could only see and hear each other. "Did you open the watch?" He asked. I nodded. "So what are you doing now? Going back to Gallifrey somehow?"

"Gallifrey has gone. It was destroyed in the Time War. I'm travelling around with that man the Doctor. He's the guy I told you about before I changed. Did you pretend you didn't know me because I didn't want to be me again?"

"Yeah. I knew you were having a hard time as you so I didn't want to make you remember. I know he was in your dreams but if I told you that you knew him and you were best friends when you were Chloe you would have come back as Anya and you didn't want to. I only told you that you can open the watch because you were also having a bad time as Chloe and I knew that eventually you would."

"Yeah. I came here today to talk to you about it and that I don't want to be in the relationship you and Chloe were in. I don't feel that way about you but Chloe did. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I was going to say the same but because I am probably never going to see you for a while. I didn't want you going through the agony of waiting for me to get out of prison as your boyfriend." We talked for a little while but I left and went on to the next place, after picking up some medicine. I needed to see my little brother, Adrian, again. 

I went to the orphanage I left him in and hesitated before actually knocking on the door. A small, pale woman with black hair opened the door. "How can I help you?" She asked in an annoyed voice.

"I want to visit my brother." I answered. She sighed before showing me in and slamming the door. We went into the office and she sat down with a cigarette in her mouth. I didn't sit down though otherwise the smoke would have hit me. "Who do you want to visit?"

"My brother Adrian. I left him here three years ago." She looked up at me worried and shocked.

"A-Adrian? The b-boy brought here about t-three years ago?"

"Yes... Has he been adopted."

"Get away from me freak!" She stood up and tried to push me out of the office but she couldn't move me? "Who are you calling a freak?!" I pushed her off me and sat down. "Where is Adrian?" I waited for an answer. "He turned very ill last year after his birthday. We sent him to the hospital one day after he was turning very sick and none of the medication was working. The doctor's found out he had two hearts. They thought he was born with the extra heart but you didn't tell us or didn't know. He was on the point of dying when he changed. His whole appearance changed in a matter of seconds. He was all better. Then they arranged to send him to America straight away where they are experimenting on him and examining him." I felt my hearts break. I let this happen. They could be torturing him, hurting him, killing him. I felt anger build up inside of me and I just reacted. I stood up and pinned the woman to the wall. "Why, why did you let this happen?!"

"I had no choice." She looked scared because she knew I was the same. "Now I know your face I can send you there as well. I also know your name, Anya." She looked into my eyes evilly and I just ran out of the orphanage and back to my flat about twenty minutes away without stopping. She could be calling them now, sending them to me. I couldn't be seen. I just couldn't risk it.

I got to my flat and just threw myself onto my sofa and cried. I let my brother be the lab rat he is. I needed someone to hold whether it was Danny, the Doctor or the Ponds. Just anyone. But I was worrying too much. She didn't know my address so she couldn't lead anyone to me unless they have seen me and can identify me as Chloe instead of Anya. Plus, Adrian was three and it would be wrong to hurt a three year old. All these things rushing through my head were giving me a headache. I took some of my medicine for my cold and just sat on my sofa daydreaming. I wished I was with the Doctor on an adventure somewhere in the TARDIS with the Ponds. We could be having fun or doing an awful lot of running. The danger was exciting. I ended up falling asleep after a while. I have know idea if it was the medicine or the day I was having or both. But I knew one thing, it was going to be a long few days waiting for the Doctor.

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