Chapter Twenty - Escaping, Changing and Teleporting

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I had watch as Xaviar took the information as his own. Every bit of information about the universe and all of the planets and stars in it he knew. I was still stuck with a gun pointed at my stomach but I couldn't find the strength to move my arm or any part of my body. "Thank you Doctor." Xaviar said and I was finally able to move again. My arm ached though. "Now we can start. I think, since it's precious to both of you, we should start with Earth." We went back up to the main platform and had to watch the ship make its way to Earth. "What are we going to do?" I asked the Doctor.

"We'll think of something. I hope." The Doctor answered. He held my hand tight and squeezed it.

We eventually got to Earth and just hovered over it for a while waiting for the order from Xaviar for the Cybermen to go down to Earth. "Anya, how many guards are in the room?" The Doctor whispered. I looked around. "Two human guards and a Cyberman." I said. "Why."

"Follow my lead." The Doctor slowly moved over to the door which I came through before we were stopped by a guard. "Oh blasted. I thought we could escape then."

"Sir, shall I take these two down to a cell?" The guard asked Xaviar.
"Do as you please." Xaviar answered and the guard walked us to the cell that I was in before.

"Now." The Doctor whispered. What now? I took a guess and punched the guard in the face knocking him

out. "I didn't really explain did I? What I meant to say was distract him but your way worked as well. Now, lets make our way to the hidden control room."

"Hidden control room?"

"They heard about what you did with the other Cybership and made their control room hidden. I looked at the plans for any hidden rooms before I left the TARDIS and parked it near to it. Quick escape route. It's just a matter of finding it again." I sighed and the Doctor clapped his hands together and we tried to find the room. On the way there we had to hide in different rooms to get away from guards and Cybermen... then run away from Cybermen...

Anyway, the Doctor stopped in his tracks, after about fifteen minutes of running around, hiding and going around in circles, in front of a wall. "It's a wall Doctor. Why would there be a door here?" I asked. He was going mad, well madder. "Just wait a second." The Doctor said. He got out the sonic screwdriver and scanned the wall. "Aha!" He scanned one bit of the wall and a door sized bit opened. So that's the hidden control room. Awesome. 

Thankfully it was empty so we could start our work without any interruptions. I had the job of finding the self destruct buttons and the buttons to get rid of any information that Xaviar got from us while the Doctor had the job of a look out. "Can't you do this bit. It's boring." He complained. I sighed again. "Just find the right buttons. I'll keep lookout." I said annoyed. All I wanted to do was get off of the ship. "About earlier and my memory."

"It's fine Anya. At the moment I'm focusing on the buttons."

"You mean struggling to find the buttons." I laughed slightly.

"Rude." The Doctor looked up and smiled then went back to work. No one came up the corridors and the Doctor was still trying to find the buttons. "So, what do you do when me and the Ponds aren't around? Where do you go?" I asked him to break the silence.

"I just travel around. Sometimes I pick up my wife, River Song, or she comes to me. Either way. She's Amy and Rory's daughter. It's a long story. I'll tell it one day if we get out of here." He had a wife? He never mentioned her, not once. "Where is she now?"

"Stormcage, the prison. Another long story." I then heard footsteps coming closer and voices saying our names. "Doctor, hurry up with those buttons. We have company." He was still running around trying to find the buttons but he couldn't. "Oh for god's sake!" I slammed down a random button and the information was wiped from every computer. Another button, in the Doctor's term, gave the Cybermen back their emotions so they go crazy and die. Harsh but it had to be done. We then found the self destruct button just in time... ish. "We've found them." A guard shouted. 1 minute to find the TARDIS. I grabbed the Doctor and pulled him out of the room down the way the TARDIS was.

50 seconds... The guards were still on us but they couldn't catch us. Thankfully they didn't use their guns.

40 seconds... Nearly there, hopefully.

30 seconds... "Are you sure the TARDIS is this way?" I asked.
"Yes!" The Doctor yelled.

20 seconds... Still no sign of the TARDIS.

10 seconds... The TARDIS was in front of us. I turned before I went in and bang!

5 seconds... "Lets set the TARDIS to a random location. Anywhere away from here." The Doctor said. He hadn't noticed me lying on the floor in pain. Then he turned and a look of shock was planted on his face. "What happened?"

"One of the guards shot me." The shot hurt so bad and I groaned in pain. He knelt down next to me. "Doctor I have something to tell you."


"I'm not a Time Lady..."

"How? That's not possible. You're going to die."

"Gotcha." I smiled and the Doctor sighed with relief but then my smile turned to a frown as the Doctor picked me up and another shot of pain flowed around my body. "Well, I guess it's time."

"Yep." My hands were starting to glow and the regeneration was about to happen when something changed. I appeared on a beach at night. I was so confused. "Doctor?" I cried. "Doctor!" He wasn't here. It was just me. "No, I don't want to change." I whispered but then it happened. My arms were flung to the side and my head was pushed up. Gold light flew out of me and soon it was over.

I looked all over me. I was a bit thinner than my old body, don't know whether that's a good sign or not, and my skin looked paler. I had a mirror in my pocket, I always keep a mirror handy, and checked my face. New light blue eyes, smaller nose, lighter brown hair. I was still a girl. Not bad for a new body. I needed to get off of the beach fast but I felt dizzy and some regeneration energy came out of my mouth. Then the floor got weirdly closer and I fell unconscious.

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