Chapter 2

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Cassian frowned into the mirror as he stared past his reflection towards the man and woman behind him while fixing his tie. He did not like having his parents in his room, but he missed them because he saw them approximately two weeks every month and that was mostly at night when they got back from work exhausted, so he was not about to chase them out despite them entering without so much of a knock and taking over his bed and dresser to sit down and talk to him while he got ready for the gathering. They were already dressed despite there having been a few hours to get ready while Cassian waited until just before people were set to arrive.

"Alight Ian, remember to spend a few minutes with Mr McIntyre, you know he adores you," his mother said.

She sat on the edge of his bed in a long dark red evening gown and his father was over at his dresser in a midnight blue tuxedo with a bowtie that matched his wife's dress. Cassian was in a black suit with a red tie he was struggling to get just right while they were watching him do it because he knew they loved it when he did things perfectly. He was certain they would fix it once he was finished anyway.

"Yes, Mom," he mumbled.

"Raise your voice." Cassian nodded and his father smiled. "I heard the Gilmore's eldest son, Ryan, is gay too. He will be here tonight, maybe you could –"

"Dad," he cut his father off.

"I'm just saying, that would make a good partnership."

Business partnerships were all his parents cared about, romantic relationships mattered less. He came out when he was twelve and his parents had taken it quite well. He was lucky, lots of people at his school could only wish they had parents as okay with their children's sexuality as his were. His parents still wanted him to marry someone with money though, preferably not new money as he would already have it coming from them and his family had been wealthy for generations. They expected him to take over all of their endeavours as their only child and they expected him to be with someone who shared similar interests, attributes and... class. Someone who understood what it took to keep wealth within the family and keep growing.

The last guy Cassian had been with was Kian for about a year before they broke up eight months prior, his parents had loved Kian and Kian's family but Cassian figured they were better as friends. He had been the person Kian came out with and he remembered that Kian telling them he was dating Cassian seemed to soften the way his friend's parents reacted to it because they liked and approved of him already.

"I know," Cassian replied to his father as he stared at the tie. Perfect. It was a perfectly sized, perfectly shaped, perfectly placed triangle.

"Coach Dan says you're pretty good out there so far, can't wait to see that final game. Remember that football is –"

"Less important than school and networking," he finished with a smile and his father smiled back at him in the mirror.

"Seriously, you should consider Ryan. He looks good too and he's built pretty well, Ian." Cassian grimaced as his father winked at him and his mother giggled hiding her smile behind her hands like a teenager.

"Dad!" His embarrassed hiss caused his parents to laugh more as they got up and Cassian turned to face them.

"You look handsome." His mother's hands went straight for his tie as he had predicted and she shifted it a bit, even though he had been certain it was straight to begin with. "Now, remember to stay downstairs in the hall for at least two hours. Do not slump your shoulders or lean on anything and do not drink anything." He rolled his eyes. He spilt a drink onto his shirt at a party once when he was ten and his parents had been telling him that since then. "And do not roll your eyes," his mother added narrowing her own hazel eyes up at him.

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