Chapter 47

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The house was quiet, and Cassian could only hear gushing wind ruffling through the leaves outside his window.

He was at his desk, studying for an exam and knew Theodore was doing the same. Hearing footsteps in the hallway made his writing slow as he listened to where they were headed before perking up when the shuffling stopped but a knock quickly followed the movement. He tilted his head wondering why his mother was at Theodore's room and leaned back to listen as the door opened.

"Hi. Just checking in. You've been studying for a while."

"Oh, um, I'm alright."

Just the sound of Theodore's voice made Cassian smile.

"Not hungry? Both you and Cassian skipped dinner."

"We did? What time... Oh, you're right... I didn't notice."

"Take a break, Theodore. Too much studying isn't good."

Cassian scoffed at that.

He was slightly jealous and annoyed that she would say that to Theodore after how much pressure they always put on him. It was followed by feeling bad because Theodore needed a stress-free environment and people actively looking out for him while his mind was still consumed by worry about his brother.

"Okay, I'll take a break, thank you."

"Good. There's some food in the kitchen."

Cassian leaned back to his work as he heard her footsteps move away from Theodore's door, figuring she would tell him to eat as well. He wasn't wrong, and only a few seconds passed before his already agape door was pushed open making him frown again.

Why didn't he get a knock? She knocked on Theodore's door.

Cassian rolled his eyes at himself. Of course, his parents would be more hospitable towards the guest. He was glad and grateful that they were being so nice to Theodore. He looked over to watch his mother walk in, shutting the door behind her before she made her way over to his bed and sat down.

It made him nervous as he glanced towards the door and back to her. She didn't usually close the door. Was something wrong? It felt like whatever was coming was serious. Why couldn't she have come in just to tell him he missed dinner too?

"Yes, Mom?" he asked, turning his seat to face her.

"Honey, your father and I wanted to talk to you, but Dad's not here so I'll speak for both of us."

Cassian nodded slowly, trying to figure out what he had done to warrant such a serious-sounding conversation. He was certain he hadn't miss-stepped in weeks, he'd done everything he was supposed to on schedule. Maybe something he had done a while ago was catching up with him... What could it be?

The thought made his heart palpitate. Would this lead to another argument? Was he about to lose his phone and laptop again? How badly had he messed up?

"Cassian, are you listening?"

"Yeah – Yes?"

He blinked at his mother, realising he had been so caught up in thought, that he had not heard a word she said.

"Um... No..." he mumbled.

"I heard you talking to Theodore in the kitchen the other night."

Cassian furrowed his brows trying to think of what they were talking about before realising.

"We were just –"

"I'm sorry."

Cassian stopped speaking as he felt his jaw drop.

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