Chapter 28

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Cassian jogged around the track caught up in thought, not paying attention to what he was doing and just letting his feet lead him. It was still early in the morning; the school had been mostly silent apart from light chirping from birds when he arrived fifteen minutes earlier. His parents had left Sunday afternoon to travel again, and he figured he would rather not stay home and eat breakfast alone. He was also too excited and nervous to sit still.

After speaking to Theodore, he had not gotten much sleep between his thoughts, racing heart and eagerness. Yet, he was not tired at all, quite the opposite. Letting out a chuckle at the thought of their phone call, he stumbled to a stop before looking up and noticing someone walking towards the tracks.

A grin spread across his face, and he lifted his arms to wave, it felt familiar and he remembered doing it the last time they were on the field. He began jogging towards Theodore despite a thought in the back of his mind telling him to stop being so obvious and eventually came to a stop when the guy was a couple of feet away.

"Hey." Cassian began walking backwards when Theodore did not stop walking.

"I would have made it to you eventually... In a few seconds, actually."

"I know," he replied, sheepishly.

"Good morning."

Theodore suddenly reaching out between them caused him to stop moving in surprise, a bad idea because his foot was still in the air. He felt himself beginning to fall back but Theodore's already outstretched hand caught hold of his arm and tugged back so he stumbled forward instead.

"When did you become clumsy?"

Having no idea about that himself, he just shrugged as warmth began to creep onto his face again. This was so odd, he was never so embarrassing around anyone.

Trying to shake it off, he stepped forward seeing as they were both now standing still and hugged Theodore who seemed stiffen as soon as they touched. When he pulled back, he noticed Theodore's slightly surprised expression and grinned.

"I like that."

"Like what?" Theodore asked.

"Your face. You."

He laughed when Theodore got visibly flustered by his words.

"Weren't you running? Aren't you working out? Go away."

The reaction delighted Cassian more and instead of leaving, he took Theodore's hand and began heading towards the track again. They had taken less than five steps when he felt Theodore's hand slip from his own but before he could question it, arms circled his shoulders from behind resulting in him being pulled back against Theodore's chest.

His stomach fluttered at the contact and their position, not uncomfortably as it did when he was worried, instead it just made him feel warm and giddy. After a few seconds that seemed much longer, Cassian felt his heart drop slightly in disappointment when Theodore's arm slipped away before he felt something graze his hair lightly.

"There. I was trying to get that piece of grass out earlier."

Grass? How? He had not even been on the field. As Theodore stepped back dropping his arms completely, Cassian did not know whether to feel relieved that he could breathe again – having forgotten to do so during that hug – or mournful because he wanted it to continue. The lack of being completely caught up in the moment made him realise his heart was racing like he had just finished sprinting.

"Out of curiosity, what happens when someone who isn't on the team steps on the field?" Theodore asked.

Cassian looked at the soccer field and the few signs posted around it prohibiting entry.

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