Chapter 26

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Cassian walked up the basement stairs, listening to the voices and laughter become clearer until he was on the ground floor. He had once again finished his work halfway through breakfast. It was clear where the voices were coming from, so he headed into the dining room to meet everyone.

He paused just outside the room as his eyes landed on everyone, and smiled at the scene of Jonathan, his grandmother and Zion talking while Theodore watched them silently, appearing entertained by the conversation he was observing.

Cassian's eyes shifted over to Zion again as the little boy waved his hands while explaining something to the adults. They were both so well-behaved and amicable – although Thedore initially seemed stand-offish. Theodore was great at school and Zion was clearly very smart.

He would never have guessed that their father was an absolute piece of shit if Theodore had not told him about the drugs and the fighting. Didn't people with parents like that rebel and act out?

Theodore's head turning towards the archway caused Cassian to grin as he finally stepped into the room.

"Good morning," he greeted as he sat down beside Theodore again and began placing some food on his plate, the same thing he had had the previous morning.

They returned greeting to him and then went back to the conversation they had been having as he reached for the water. He had just lifted the jug when he realised someone was still watching him and looked at them.

"Hi, Theo."

"Toast again?"

Theodore's focused gaze made Cassian feel a little nervous for a reason he could not place, but he hid that.

"Yup," he nodded.

"Just one again?"

Cassian glanced down at the slice of toast on his plate. Had he had just one yesterday? He could not remember, he remembered eating though, because it had made him feel sick.

"Not a breakfast person." He shrugged the question off.

"Not a lunch person either?"

Cassian didn't know how to answer that but figured he should have known Theodore would notice how he ate, the guy noticed every little thing about everything for some reason. He glanced over at his grandmother and noted that she was still preoccupied, no one was paying attention to their conversation.

"Do you always eat like this?"

"No. Just haven't had much of an appetite lately. Which works great in terms of time," he was trying to be humorous, but Theodore's serious expression didn't change. "'Cause, you know... more time to do... other things," he explained slightly awkwardly.

Theodore shook his head letting out a soft huff through his nose as he turned back to his own breakfast.

"You should have another slice if you don't want to end up fainting... Oh, that's why you fainted?"


Cassian's eyes widened upon hearing his grandmother's voice.

"Who fainted?"

The panic in his chest subsided slightly. She had only heard the last word.

"Some guy at school. No big deal, he's alright," Cassian answered quickly.

Theodore looked at him, silently questioning the reply.

"It wasn't a big deal. We didn't want to worry her," Cassian whispered. "And technically, he is alright."

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