Chapter 24

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Friday morning, Cassian drove to school carefully. He had not driven in a while, and usually, someone was next to him when he did. When he arrived, he was immediately met by some of his friends, who excitedly talked about the new car for a few minutes before he glanced across the parking lot, but frowned seeing the empty spot Theodore's car was usually parked in.

Was he not at school? Theodore had seemed really surprised by the invitation on the call the previous night but eventually said he would check with his parents.

Excusing himself, Cassian made his into the school, greeting more people along the way before heading upstairs by himself.

He did not feel as tired as he usually did, the pills seemed to be working for that and with the energy he found it easier to brush aside the random bursts of worry in his chest. There were about fifteen minutes left before the morning bell would ring and Theodore was a perpetual early bird, so Cassian was sure he would already be on the roof.

He was right but frowned when he stepped onto the roof and saw Theodore on the ledge again. Though, Cassian figured him sitting with his legs on either side was better than him laying down or being seated with his back facing the sports fields...

"Hey," Theodore greeted without looking up from the book he was sketching in.

"I didn't see your car," Cassian said, walking over.

"Father needed it," Theodore replied.

Cassian nodded as he stared at the rough sketch of a very abstract face.

"Well, that's alright. My bags are already in the car. If you're coming, I could just drive to your house to pick you up and we'll leave right after that."

Theodore's hand stopped moving and he looked at Cassian, his brows raised in surprise.

"You were serious about that?" he asked.

"Yeah, I said that last night," Cassian replied.

"Oh... I thought you were joking about being serious..." Theodore said, glancing away from Cassian thoughtfully. Cassian's heart dropped a little despite his confusion about how Theodore thought he could joke seriously.

"So you're not coming?" he asked, trying and failing to hide his disappointment.

Theodore's eyes returned to Cassian's before he shook his head.

"I don't know... The whole weekend? Where would we be staying?"

"Were you paying attention on that call at all?"

"I was tired."

Cassian frowned for a second before chuckling. "My grandmother lives at the beach, so we'll just stay with her. She has more than enough room."

"And we're taking your car? I didn't know you had one."

"Birthday present."

Theodore nodded.

"Split on fuel?" he asked.

"No. I've got it."

"That doesn't seem right."

"Come on, I was going to go anyway. You really don't want to go?"

Theodore's mouth skewed slightly as he bit his lip thinking about it.

"What if I space out while driving?" Cassian joked.

"Then you should not be driving," Theodore replied.

"Theo, don't think about it too much or you won't come. Don't think about it at all, actually. You think too much." He smiled when Theodore laughed at that before looking up for a few seconds and then sighing.

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