Chapter 3

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Cassian only realised he was falling once his hands and knees scraped the rough surface of the pavement but he was only on the ground for a couple of seconds someone grabbed his shoulder to drag him to his feet. He immediately tried to pull back from them but they held onto his shirt.

"What are you doing?! Come on!" the familiar voice's command set him into motion as he stumbled along a few steps before getting into a car with the guy immediately following. The door shut with the vehicle quickly setting into motion as the men on the pavement regained their footing but it was too late for them to follow the already moving car.

Cassian looked back through the rear-view window to watch the three men stare at the vehicle before they disappeared from view as the car swerved around a corner. He sighed leaning back and lifted a hand to his chest realising how fast his heart was beating as he tried to gain control of his rugged breathing. He looked beside him and was grateful that, though completely caught by surprise, he was not wrong about who had spoken so had not just gotten into a complete stranger's car. Well, they were still strangers but he doubted someone who had to return to their school on Monday would do anything to him.

"Thank you..." he said running his eyes over the guy beside him and holding back a smile when he realised he was right: the shirt under the hoodie was oversized, "Theodore."

"What are you doing out here?" Cassian noticed that Theodore's eyes were a very dark chocolate brown when the boy glanced towards the passenger seat before looking back at the road, "Your GPS stop working or something?" he added.

"You don't think I could be from here?" Cassian frowned finding himself somewhat offended by Theodore's scoffing as a response.

"No one goes for a run in a neighbourhood like this at this time. You even look like you should not be anywhere near here." Cassian looked down at his clothing to note what he was wearing. He thought it looked pretty simple, being all-black but knew that despite the minimal appearance, it had cost a lot.

"Right... I wasn't really paying attention..." Cassian mumbled, feeing quite stupid that he had not taken note of where he was or what time it was. He must have missed his science lesson too.

"Where to?" Theodore asked.

"Uh – north."

"I figured, but where."

"I'll direct you when I recognise where we are."

"When you recognise?" Theodore's brows rose in genuine surprise and Cassian frowned. "You seriously did not know where you were?"

"I did. Kind of. Whatever, I could find my way home. I was fine."

"Clearly." Cassian bit the inside of his cheek as Theodore gave an amused breath of air.

"You live back there?" Theodore's nod made Cassian certain about the scholarship thing. "Why did you walk home on Friday if you have a car?" he asked.

Theodore glanced at Cassian again, "Mike – my... stepfather was using it. It's technically not my car," he replied.


"Why are you watching me?" Theodore replied.

"I'm not watching you, I just saw you walk out of the school. It's unusual, even for scholarships."


"Kids who get into the school because of scholarships. Turn here –" he pointed and finished speaking as Theodore followed the instruction, "You did, right?"

"I did." Cassian continued pointing out places to turn as they drove while he pulled his phone out to text the security guard at the gate about opening up for them once they were close enough, the guard would know automatically given the tracker in Cassian's cell phone.

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