Chapter 7

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"Cassian..." Theodore said slowly. They were not even in school, how had they managed to run into each other? He was pretty certain Cassian was not following him outside as he had been in school...

"I didn't follow you." Interesting that that would be the first thing out of his mouth if he was not following when Theodore had not even hinted at that out loud. He had thought it to be a coincidence until Cassian said that. "I mean – it looked like you were thinking that... We were driving by." They could have been on the way to Cassian's house because it was way on the other side of town.

"Did you just finish practice?" Theodore furrowed his brows noting Cassian's wet brown hair. He was not wearing his school uniform, but he could have changed into something more casual after washing up. It was dark out, probably around 6:30 PM.

"Yeah, Coach did not like how we were playing. Gave us laps every time the ball went out of play." Good thing Theodore stayed far away from those tennis signup sheets. "Oh – who's this?" Theodore was surprised when Cassian gasped before grinning as he noticed Zion. Zion looked up at his brother who just stared back down at him trying to allow him to introduce himself instead of having it done for him.

"I'm Zion," Zion said pretty clearly, it made Theodore smile.

"You're Theo's brother?" Cassian asked.

"Yes." Zion grinned back seemingly only because Cassian looked and sounded so damn friendly.

"You look alike. Are you guys heading home? Do you want a ride?" Cassian's eyes returned to Theodore for a second.

"We were getting burgers," Zion answered before his older brother could even think about it.

"Oh... I want a burger... Want to go together?" The question was directed at Theodore this time and both of them turned to him waiting for his answer.

"Shouldn't you get home?" Theodore asked.

"Nope." That word again. Followed by an eager stare and unwavering friendly smile. "Come on, Theo. I promise we're not dodgy." Cassian opened the door from the inside before shifting over to the other side of the seat and Theodore actually chuckled.

"Fine. We have to be back by eight tough." He looked down at his brother who was supposed to be asleep by eight thirty.


Theodore reached out to pull the door open before Zion got inside and he followed. They were immediately greeted by the driver, who had been quiet and unseen behind the tinted driver's side window for the past few minutes.

"This is Jonathan," Cassian introduced the man as they began to drive.

They decided on a fast-food diner that apparently was not far away. Theodore had never heard of it because he was still relatively new to the area and mostly kept his eyes outside as they drove so he could keep track of where they were going. Occasionally, he would look at his brother and Cassian as the pair discussed... well, he could not really tell what they were talking about. At some moments it sounded like soccer, his brother loved it too, other moments sounded like toys or friends and then there was just them periodically making weird sounds that usually came from children pretending to shoot at things or something. Cassian was weird but he clearly knew how to engage pretty much anyone and Zion seemed to take an instant liking to him, giggling a lot as they spoke. Theodore wondered who did not instantly like Cassian though.

He looked out of the window again as the car drove into the parking lot of the diner. The lot was filled with a few cars and lit up in a red glow caused by a neon sign above the building. The colour overpowered the white lamps scattered around the parking lot and Theodore refused to look up at the sign because he was certain it would hurt his eyes given how bright it seemed to be. They had driven into a quieter, cleaner part of town and beside the diner was an already closed organic supermarket.

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