Chapter 11

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Cassian yawned softly as he turned over to the next page in his textbook. After arriving home from lunch with Theodore and Zion, he spent an hour in a violin lesson followed by a couple of hours on one of the treadmills downstairs because he felt bad for skipping practice.

Asking Theodore to lunch had been a spur-of-the-moment decision just because Cassian wanted to hang out with him, as he had been unable to do so during lunch. He had never just skipped practice before and it resulted in multiple texts from his friends asking if he was okay, his coach even tried to call him a couple of times. He had put his phone on silent right after they left the school.

Even after the running when he arrived home, he felt guilty for ditching them and skipping on his practice, he did not want to let his game slip, so he was going to stay an extra hour and a half after his tennis practice tomorrow to make up for skipping.

He did not want to be the reason his team started losing games.

His parents had jetted off to Singapore for a three-day meeting and would be arriving back home sometime on Friday, so he would be home alone for the rest of the week. Though, not really alone because there was always someone else around; Rosa, other domestic workers, the gate guards or gardeners.

He finished his homework in the next half an hour before looking at the clock. It was just past ten at night. He had showered after using the gym, so he shut his books and walked right over to his bed to plop onto it.

Closing his eyes, he released a deep sigh dreading the next few hours because he already felt that, despite being exhausted, he would not be able to sleep much.

He kicked the shoes from his feet happy his mom was not there to tell him to put it away properly before lazily crawling the rest of the way into bed and under his covers.

Cassian smiled as he stared at the roof. Lunch had been fun, hanging out with the brothers always seemed to be. They had gone to a pizza place with an arcade next door that everyone wanted to go to afterwards, but Cassian had his violin practice and he had learnt that Theodore worked part-time at a convenience store, so he had to head home to drop Zion off and then go to work immediately afterwards. Cassian called Jonathan to pick him up from the restaurant and offered to drive Zion home so Theodore could go straight to work, but Theodore said he needed to head home to change anyway.

Finding out Theodore had a job made Cassian figure that it was best that he did not end up joining the soccer or tennis teams because both practices sometimes ran late and it would have clashed. When Cassian asked him why he was working, Theodore stated that he just needed some responsibility, something to keep him busy. He already seemed quite responsible though, considering that he took and picked Zion up from school, kept an eye on him every time they went somewhere and took his own grades so seriously.

Cassian chuckled to himself realising that he had found his mind wandering off to Theodore once again and instead reached for his tablet to check his emails and some of his stock figures.

When he was around his father's sectaries while they were waiting for the meeting to start, he had listened to them talk amongst themselves and heard some mentions of his father instructing them to buy back some shares. He figured out easily that that was going to be part of his eighteenth birthday present but did not want to ruin the surprise, so he kept it to himself.

After spending about an hour reading through things and then getting distracted by memes, he turned the light off and slid the tablet back onto his dresser.

He blinked at the roof before frowning as he rolled over realising the fatigue he had felt all day suddenly seemed to disappear. Still, attempting to force himself into sleep, he shut his eyes and lay very still trying hard to focus on absolutely nothing so that he could drift off but once again, his mind ran through random thoughts as he began to feel unsettled and then began to feel like he was too tired to fall asleep.

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