Chapter 18

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"So, where are the two of you going?"

Cassian did not turn to his mother when she asked because he was on a ladder, reaching for the book his father had pointed out to him. He grabbed the thick, hardcover from the shelf before climbing back down.

"I don't really know. We'll probably just be with a few friends, he said one of his friends has a yacht," he replied as he handed his father the book.

They were currently in his father's study. His mother was seated on the couch across the room and his father at the desk where he had been working before his wife and son had entered the room.

Cassian had only come in to tell them he would be heading out in a few minutes but ended up on the ladder looking for a bunch of books his father currently needed to look through as he worked. Conveniently, Cassian was there and could look for him. Everything was organised perfectly so the books were not hard to find.

"Yacht?" His father looked up from the pages in front of him for the first time since they entered the room, he had been talking to them with his eyes down the past ten minutes. "You did not mention that before."

"I didn't?" Cassian asked, tilting his head.

"Are you trying to keep me off the boat?" His father smiled.

Cassian grinned; he may have failed to mention it because of his father's boat obsession. He was almost certain that his father would insist on driving Ryan and him to the venue just to see it, and then he would probably end up on the boat with them so he could talk to the owner or captain about it.

"It would be awkward if you came along. We're not meet-the-parents serious."

"He's already met us," his mother said.

"Not in this context."

He did not want to give anyone the impression that this was serious enough for him to spend time with Ryan's parents or the other way around. His head automatically turned towards the door as they heard the bell ring.

"I'll walk you out!" His mother was out of the room before he could say that was not necessary.

"See you later, Dad."

"Be careful, I told Jonathan to be on standby so call him if you need to."


"Also be back before ten, you have to wake up on time tomorrow."

"I know."

He always woke up on time, so was a little confused about why his father felt the need to mention that, but he brushed it off as he made his way to the living room where they found his mother with Ryan. It appeared they had just hugged as his mother stood beside the guy while the pair laughed at something that had just been said. Ryan noticed him first.

"Good evening, Cassian."

"Hey," Cassian greeted. "We should go, see you later, Mom."

He wanted to leave before she could ask Ryan if he wanted to have a drink first.

"Alright, you kids have fun."

Cassian nodded as he grabbed Ryan's arm to tug him towards the door.

They walked out of his house and the rest of the way to the car, and when Cassian looked back at the door, he was amused to find his mother still watching them from it. She was acting like it was the first date she had seen him go out on. Cassian turned back around when he heard a door open in front of him.

"Trying to show my mother how chivalrous you are?"

"It's that obvious?" Ryan responded.

"Yeah, a little."

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