Chapter 15

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Cassian looked up at the screen as he watched a couple of people presenting their ideas for a new project. It was interesting and he had a book for notes in front of him, though he had not written anything down because it was not necessary for him to.

His father was seated not far away, occasionally stopping the speakers to ask a question or say something that would have every one of the other fifteen people in the room hastily writing something down afterwards. Cassian thought the command his father had over the room was quite impressive; everyone hung onto the man's every word.

It was just past 11 AM, and he had skipped school to accompany his father. The meeting ran for about ten more minutes before it ended with Cassian's father dismissing everyone.

Cassian trailed behind as they left the room, greeting people they passed while his father spoke to his personal assistants before they dispersed as well leaving just the two of them.

"What did your mother say about lunch?" his father asked.

"Oh – I should check." Cassian pulled his phone from his pocket. He opened the messages and noticed a couple from his friends but tapped on his mother's most recent reply to him. "She'll meet us downstairs," he replied before tapping back and smiling when he saw Theodore's name.

"Who's that face for?" His father's brows rose.

"Nothing – No one." Cassian shook his head. It only made his father look more suspicious and the older man tilted his head to look at the screen, but Cassian jumped back. "Dad, I have to use the restroom. I'll meet you at the restaurant?"

"Mmm... Alright," his father replied, and Cassian quickly spun around to head to the nearest bathroom.

When he looked back behind him right before turning to walk into another hallway, he noticed his father still staring at him.

Once reaching the bathroom, he stepped into the silent room as his eyes moved back to his phone and he opened the message from Theodore.

'I didn't think you'd be the kind to skip school. Does this have something to do with you not replying to me last night?'

Cassian smiled. He had fallen asleep while texting Theodore.

'No. I don't usually skip, but my father wanted me to join him at one of his meetings,' Cassian replied.

He figured he should not wait for a reply, because Theodore was probably in class, but then realised it was about time for lunch. He walked over to the sink to wash his hands and placed the phone on the black granite countertop beside the sink.

The reflection in the mirror frowned back at him as he noticed his slightly red, fatigued eyes. The lack of sleep was really getting to him, wasn't it? He did not want to keep taking his parents' sleeping pills, but he would have to if he kept staying up all night. He dried his hands before grabbing his phone as he made his way out of the bathroom.

'Mmm, was kind of hoping you just skipped.' Cassian furrowed his brows, glancing up to greet some people as he passed them before he returned his eyes to his phone.


'You were really tired yesterday.' How did he know? They had not even hung out together and Cassian had not said anything.

'You're only quiet so you can watch everyone in peace, aren't you?' he replied to Theodore as he reached the elevator and hit the ground floor button.

'I'm observant.'

Incredibly so, apparently. Cassian grinned.


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