Chapter 17

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"So I dribbled the ball past Cole – that's the Westhill's left-back defender – and then I passed to Jake and he swept it back to me, right between two of their other defenders! It was epic! And then I shot," Cassian grinned when he finished, mimicking the strike he had done on the day. "That's how we got to the first goal in the match last year," he added turning back to the bench.

He was on the roof with Theodore seated on the bench as he tried to replicate the game he was explaining while kicking his ball around a little. Once he finished talking, he noticed Theodore just sitting there watching him, and his cheeks began to burn slightly. He had started off explaining his position in his team and had no idea how that escalated to him explaining a game.

"I... don't really know what any of that meant, but it sounds exciting." Theodore grinned.

Cassian laughed as he lifted the ball with the tip of his shoe to kick it into the air and catch it.

"Sorry, I got carried away," he said sheepishly as he tilted the ball around.

"It's alright, I don't mind. You should talk to Zion about this though, I bet he would know what you're talking about," Theodore responded.

"He would. I miss him." Cassian frowned. He had not seen Zion since they came to his house, which was only five days prior, but it felt like weeks had gone by.

It was currently lunch, and they had no football practice. Cassian had made his way to the roof instead of heading to the cafeteria, hoping to hang out with Theodore for a bit. He found it quite easy to talk to Theodore who barely said a word, unlike when they were texting. Theodore preferred to speak less than writing.

Cassian didn't mind though, because Theodore seemed to like listening and he was slowly speaking to Cassian more and more each time they hung out. Although, he seemed careful with his words; like he thought through everything thoroughly before he said it out loud. Cassian liked watching Theodore speak because his thoughtful demeanour was quite handsome.

He knew he was gravitating towards Theodore more and more and did not mind. Being around Theodore felt differently than being around other people. Cassian could not place exactly what was different, but he liked it.

He wanted to see the brothers after school or during the weekend again but figured he would be too busy, and his parents would not like him 'slipping up' by doing anything but work.

"Are you going to eat anything?" Theodore was munching on what looked like a cheese sandwich.

"I usually get food in the cafeteria; I'll just eat later." Cassian smiled when Theodore just lifted his lunchbox between them. "I need to wash my hands," he said.

"You should eat before we head back to class, Cassian."

Theodore gave a slight frown that resulted in one corner of his lips tilting slightly lower than the other, Cassian thought it looked more like a pout which caused him to smile, and he laughed when Theodor's brows rose in confusion.

"Right. I'll eat it on our way back after I wash my hands. Let's go, the bell's going to ring in about a minute anyway."

"Wow, you're going to class early. Am I a good influence?"

They chuckled as Theodore stood up and Cassian reached for his bag just as the bell rang.

"Told you," Cassian said, proud about having guessed when the bell would ring correctly.

"You were a little off."

"Still, told you."

"Still wrong."

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