Chapter 34

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"Alright, thank you. Let them in."

Cassian sprinted downstairs, despite knowing the car would not even be past the gate yet. He was a little too excited.

Once at the front door, he watched Theodore's car move from the gate, around the fountain and towards the garage, reminding him that he had not opened those doors. He tapped the screen beside the door and leaned outside to watch Theodore drive into the garage.

Cassian shut the front door and headed towards the hall to unlock the garage door so they could enter.

"Cassian!" Zion's excited yell made him grin.


They hugged before he turned to Theodore and smiled.

"Hey," Theodore said.

Cassian shook his head stepping up to hug him and heard Theodore chuckle into his ear.

"Your rooms are upstairs, but we can see those later. What do guys wanna do?"

"Swim!" Zion attempted to head towards the backdoor, but Cassian chuckled as Theodore caught the hood of his hoodie, preventing him from getting any further while Zion tried to squirm out of his brother's grip.

"No – It's cold. You'll get sick again."

"Uhm..." Zion stopped moving and seemed to think about it before he nodded to himself and then looked up at Theodore. "I don't mind, let's swim."

Cassian's laugh was mixed with Theodore's.

"No, I'm not letting you get sick, Zion. We're not swimming."

Zion huffed but didn't argue about it and instead looked at Cassian.

"We can play games again?" he suggested.

"Sure," he chuckled as he led the way towards the gaming room.

Walking into it, the room looked almost exactly as they had left it, but it had been cleaned because there was no dust. He figured it was cleaned weekly even though no one usually came into the room as he headed over to the shelves and began looking for something to play with Theodore and Zion.

"You have board games? This hasn't even been opened..." Cassian looked over his shoulder to see Theodore knelt beside the cabinet next to the TV, holding a couple of boxes as he read them. "Let's play one of these!"

Cassian looked to Zion who was already staring back at him and laughed when the kid shook his head slowly.

"Maybe tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Let's play this!" Zion made his way over to the console with a video game in his hand.

They all moved to the couches once the game was set up. Zion preferred to sit on the carpet, so he was on a pillow while Theodore and Cassian sat behind him on the couch. Cassian watched as the pair played the game, instructing each other when they weren't holding the controller. He was not too interested in playing, because he was quite tired and preferred to keep watching them.

Eventually, he felt his eyes begin to droop, despite trying to fight the sleep by blinking and widening his eyes a few times.

After what barely felt like ten seconds of having his eyes closed, he was woken up by someone shaking his shoulder gently.

"I'm up," he hoped saying that would make them go away, but his eyes opened hearing Theodore's familiar chuckle. "Theo," he whispered, realising where they were.

"Good morning," Theodore smiled.

"Morning?" Cassian furrowed his brows, immediately reaching for his phone to check what time it was because it could not possibly be, he had barely just grasped the phone in his pocket when the people around him laughed and he realised Rosa was looking at him from behind the couch. He frowned at Theodore. "Very funny," he said.

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