Chapter 16

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The halls were quiet, as Theodore liked. His footsteps echoed around him with each step. His eyes ran over the lockers looking for any little details like scribbles or organised scratches, but there were none. Most of the classrooms' lights were off, save for a couple of teachers who had also arrived early. He stopped walking when he reached the library, surprised that the lights were on.

Were they cleaning?

He had not been in there apart from free periods when he was studying. He walked up to the doors to peek through the glass, not hearing any vacuuming or talking. There was no movement, no one at the librarian's desk.

He pushed the door to see if maybe they just forgot the lights on and was surprised when the door clicked open. Pushing it more, he stepped inside carefully before letting it shut behind him once he was inside and running his eyes over the shelves, he could not see anyone, but he heard soft typing, so he followed the sounds and leaned past one of the closer shelves to look down the aisle.

Near the back of a row of desks, sat someone that made him smile. There were a few books stacked beside the boy, his eyes stuck on the laptop from behind glasses Theodore had never seen him wear before.

"Not on the field today?"

Theodore bit his lip to keep from laughing when Cassian jumped at the sound of the voice before he let out an exasperated sigh holding his hand over his heart like he had just had the biggest shock of his life.

"Jesus, Theo. No warning?! I didn't even hear the door." Cassian groaned as he leaned back in his seat.

"You're at school, you expected to be alone?" Theodore asked, tilting his head curiously as he made his way closer to where Cassian was seated.

"Right. I was just... absorbed. Sorry. Morning – you're early." Cassian chuckled as he pulled the glasses off and turned to Theodore. "Are you always this early?"

"I try to be," Theodore replied. "You're studying?" he asked, noticing the open accounting book beside Cassian's laptop.

"Yeah, just going over some things, making some notes."

Theodore watched Cassian look back at his books and frowned. Based on their text conversations, the only time Cassian seemed not to be working was when he was up at night because he could not sleep. It didn't seem very healthy... Of course, Theodore did not think he was one to talk about being healthy but for some reason, he didn't like the thought of Cassian being so busy all the time.

"Why are you here so early?"

"Honestly?" Theodore asked.

Cassian nodded suddenly looking more optimistic about the answer.

"I'm avoiding crowded hallways, and your friends of course."

"Oh... sorry about that... You really don't like people, do you?"

"No, I... I just don't like crowds. You really like people, don't you?"

"People are fun and interesting." Cassian grinned.

Theodore understood that; he got that from observing everyone, but it did not make him any less nervous when it came to actual interaction.

"Is this urgent?" Theodore pointed at the laptop. Cassian shook his head. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Am I hungry?" Theodore nodded at Cassian's confused face, he seemed to think about it before he replied, "Not really."

"Well, I am. Want to come with me?" It felt odd asking someone to hang out with him because he did not usually do it but for some reason, he felt more comfortable and at ease around Cassian.

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