Chapter 39 - Twists and Turns

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Scarab had a gut feeling of where Cofield might be: the island he was stranded on. He remembered seeing a symbol on shore, carved through the grains of sand. It was the exact same symbol on the Book of Souls, when Kryfan Ray had him hostage. 

But there was on problem on this adventure he was going on, that being the fact that he had no clue where it was. He was moving at an alarming rate in the sky, as he could see the urban streets and houses slowly disappear, being engulfed by woodland forests and trees. All of it uninhabited. 

He needed to land, and to find out where this supposed Diablerie Island was. At a halt, he stopped releasing energy of his hands, and immediately felt cold and nervous. He was about 10,000 feet high, and he was just free-falling, and he could feel his skin turn to ice. 

5 seconds later, he turned his body into an x-shape and started blasting energy from behind him. 

He was nearing the land, and was afraid spare debris was going to shoot through him like a bullet. He had been shot a handful of times before, so he knew the importance of, you know, not trying to die. 

He was getting closer, so he twisted his body, being engulfed in what seemed like red fire. He then controlled it, raising himself back up again, just as he was about to hit the ground. He continued this trick until he got to a safe height to just drop himself. 

He landed on his feet, and knew exactly where to go for answers.

Thirty minutes later, he arrived at Albany Street, blasting through the door with his red energy. The earth-door collapsed, and he charged in on an unsuspecting Kryfan Ray. 

Without hesitation, he he struck lightning into his leg, his scream deafening the neighbourhood. 

" you want?" Kryfan managed to say. 

"Where is the Island where the Diablerie live?" Scarab said, taking out his gun. 

Kryfan was breathing heavily. "South of. South of the Wight. Massive island. Y.." he could hardly speak.

Scarab nodded. He then shot him in the head, blood oozing everywhere. 

The next 3 hours of his life was on a plane. He got of at the Isle of Wight, journeying to the other side of it, the end of the island. 

The dock was pretty empty, and the first ship he saw, the Pivot, was also indeed, empty. Without any suspicious bystanders, he ran from atop the pier, into the dock, and then scaled himself onto the boat. 

He then ran across it, eventually going into the cockpit. The driver looked confused then just stayed still. In a flash, a bullet entered his brain, and Scarab killed him instantly. He pushed the driver backwards, and then tried to figure out how to drive it. 

He then just stuck his hand out and blasted the most powerful energy stream and watched it go across the sea.

As Kryfan had said, it was a mere 20 minutes by boat, and if you had a good enough vision, it was even visible from the border. 

Eventually, he arrived at the shore of the Broken Dawn, and hot-wired a run down Jeep and started driving straight. 

His target was very simple, find the biggest tower and kill The Void, or Amryk. Whatever came first. And most importantly, save Caros. 

After an hour of driving along the bumpy roads, he saw a big building, all black and a red flag on top of the main window. 

The flag was red with a black symbol in the middle. The symbol was an eye with a diagonal line through it, which is the same insignia he saw on the shore. 

Hope was restored. He drove and drove until he saw at least 100 infusers guarding this palace. 

"Oh, shit." he muttered. He left the Jeep, and then decided on a plan straight away. Fly up and hope not to die. It was the best plan he'd ever thought of. 

He took a deep breath and started streaming up into the sky, causing enough noise and awareness for the Infusers to realize. 

Nevertheless, he continued until he managed to get to the roof, which he did, but he heard an alarm. Amryk knew where he was.  


He ran across the roof, and saw an opening. It lead to a dark room a table and a throne, and he guessed it was Amryk's war room. 

But that wasn't what boosted his morale. On the table he saw a blonde woman tied up, and he knew it was Caros. 

He could hear footsteps, even though he was on the roof. He heard even more. And more. 

The Infusers.

Their spears were charging at them, and without thought, he jumped through the opening. He summoned his energy, enough for him to float, and he saw the three main people. The Void was confused, Amryk looked angry and Caros smiled. Her only hope. 

Amryk blasted a fireball hopelessly at Scarab, and missed. Scarab was close enough to the floor and let go of his energy, immediately striking lightning at Amryk. He missed and in return, Amryk blew a gust of air, making Scarab lose control and fly back. 

He hit his head in the wall and Amryk staggered towards him, the Void following. 

He thoughtlessly struck lightning and went wide, but straight after, shot another bolt with his left hand, aiming for Amryk's neck. Amryk was caught of guard, and felt burning in his throat, then everything went black. For measure, Scarab stuck him again, this time in the stomach with his lightning, making sure he was indeed the Killer of the Dark. 

Just as he was about to smile, he heard the swing of an axe, and he swiftly dodged the Void's attempt of murdering him. Scarab punched his face, but he was met with his metal mask. 

He flung the Void back, hitting the wall like he did. He stepped closer and pulled of the Void's mask. Before he could fully pull it off, he heard the running of a familiar person behind him. 


He screamed with joy, and they unintentionally started hugging. 

"Guess I owe you one, eh?" Caros remarked.

"All's done if you by me a latte at Inradin's."


He smiled, then pulled of the Void's mask, only to be met with anguish and happiness at the same time. The man behind his mask was a very familiar figure. Wolf Scarab. His own brother who he thought had died. 

He started crying.

"Dray!" Wolf remarked. "I didn't want it to be like this."  

Draylan started crying even more. 

"Please! I'm so sorry!" Wolf said.

"WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR!" Scarab screamed. Caros winced in confusion and second hand embarrassment. " Why are you sorry? You, the people you're with killed everyone I ever loved. They killed our family for god's sake. Our mother. Our father." 

Wolf didn't reply.  

Behind him was the rest of the Diablerie, just teleported in by Jeremy Cofield. Wolf shook his head. 

"What?" Scarab said and looked behind. He stared at the 4 other people. Out of nowhere, a bullet landed in Jazaiah Redman's heart. Wolf shot him. 

In all the confusion, Caros burnt Vayzen Crook alive. Simultaneously, Scarab shot Jeremy right in his forehead. 

But the worst and most powerful of them started charging at them. General Krasnor. He took out his axe, ready to slaughter the blasphemers in his eyes, only to be met with 4 bullets shot by Wolf. That was it. The beat the Diablerie. 

Caros smiled. "Just another day at the office,"

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