The fight

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A loud banging sound jolts me out of my sleep. My lip aches from the event of last night as my eyes try to adjust to the sunlight raying in. The loud band continues on my door and I forced out of my bed to open it.

I raise my right hand to open the door and I wince at the sudden pain remembering I might've sprained it. I take a breath, opening the door with my other hand only to see Dante shirtless wearing black sweats that hang low on his hip.

His chest and arms are stained with tattoos and my eyes trail up to his dark ones.

"You were in my room?" He says in a deadpan tone, stepping in as if I intended him to

"I-I wasn't" my mouth runs dry as I try to find excuses

"That's not the reason why my room smells like you, so try again" his eyes burns deeply into mine, his face revealing some sort of anger

"I..I heard noises and I went inside to check what it was and—and you were having a nightmare, I tried to wake you up-"

"I told you to stay away from my room did I not?" His voice raises as he takes multiple steps towards me, making me take steps back.

"I-I was only trying to help"

"I didn't ask for your help!" I flinch at his sudden burst of rage and his gaze softens

"Show me" he demands but I only suck in my lower lip in response

"What did I do hm?" His voice raises again as he grabs a hold of my top, pulling me towards him. He pulls the shirt down analyzing my chest before grabbing my arm looking for any signs

"Stop it!" I push him away, biting down a wince from using both hands to shove him. His eye dart from my eyes and to my hand until he reaches for me again, curling his hand around my right hand causing me to wince out in pain.

"This wouldn't have happened if you'd just stay out my room as you were told" he shakes his head. He lets go of my right hand only to grab me by my left hand, dragging me to my bathroom.

Before I could differ, he reaches down to carry me onto the counter before opening the first aid cabinet pulling out a white band. He takes my sprained hand and starts to wrap it, making sure to handle it with care.

Even with me on a counter, he still towers over me. He places the rest of the white band rolled in a circle back in its place and his eyes searches mine for what seems like a minute before he pulls away.

"Don't ever do that again" he warns before leaving my presence, leaving me seated on the counter. He slams my door indicating he left the room and it's just then I hop down the marble surface.


One of the maids had brought up my breakfast earlier today insisting Dante had requested for me to eat in my room. She told me all the workers have a day off and no one would be home starting from noon.

I let myself out the room, heading to the kitchen to find something to eat when I see Ares laying at the base of the stairs. We have bonded over the last few weeks, I've learnt how to command him with the help of Andrè.

He gets up to pounce on me, licking my face as I reach ground floor.

"Hi buddy" I smile, scratching his ears

"Come on let's find something to eat" I walk inside the kitchen, opening the fridge to find the chocolate covered strawberries Gabriel had told me he prepared for me.

I take the tray out, not bothering to place them in a plate as I start to feast on it. Ares sits, looking at me with those puppy eyes as if begging for one.

"Fine, let's find you something to eat" I look around for dog treats but there isn't any insight. Everything looks set in place and clean as usual. I head into the pantry, leaving the door open as I locate the switch.

Sound of locks clicking in place making alarm blare in me as I run for the door that is now locked.

"Ares!" I call out and he starts to bark repeatedly

I take deep breaths trying to maintain calm as my lungs start to feel closure. Being claustrophobic is something I'm ashamed to confess to, especially if it was caused by my first kidnapping from when I was little.

"Keep your mouth shut little one, your daddy isn't coming for you" the tall man yells

I can't see anything, I can't move and now I can't speak. I want to go home, I want Aria.

"You're scaring me, I want to go now—please"

The man throws something on the floor and then grabs my face.

"I told you to shut it!"

I struggle to find the switch as I start to feel light headed. Ares has stopped barking which makes me more panicked.

He left, no one will find me now.

I start to pound on the door with my left hand, screaming for help, for someone to find me just as I did when the man had taken me.

"Ares! Dante! Someone please! I can't breathe, Please" my eyes starts to water and I grab the nape of my throat trying to consume as much air as possible

Barking gets louder and relief fills me as I realize Ares had returned.

"Isadora?" Dante calls out

"I'm here, get me out of here—p-please" my voice breaks as I try to form words

Before I know it the door opens and I fall onto him. My arms wrap around his torso, hugging him tightly as I breathe in the cool breeze again. As if caught off guard, it takes a second for him to return the hug as if not knowing what to do but just then  his arms curling around me, holding me close to him.

My eyes open as I hear another foot step but this one with heels hitting the tiled floor. I pull away from him realizing we're not alone and I set my gaze on the woman before us.

Her hair is pin straight, lips tainted red, her eyes are slightly green. She's tall and lean, more curves surround her than I have and she has a nose piercing.

"Oh um hello" I clear my throat in embarrassment

"Are you okay? You looked scared shitless" the woman rambles and her use of words catches me off guard while Dante sends her a glare

"Isadora this is Soleil and she was just giving us a minute" he waits for Soleil to step out the kitchen before turning his attention to me

"What happened" his eyes searching mine, walking closer to me

"I went in trying to find food for Ares and I got locked in, I'm fine, don't pretend to act like you care" I bite, ordering for Ares to follow as I grab the tray of strawberries and head towards my room

"You sure have some balls to speak to the don like that" Soleil utters as I walk past her, halting at her comment

"He's my husband, I'll speak to him however I see fit" I walk away without another word, feeling her eyes peeled to my back.

Who the hell is she?

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