The batter

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I stare at the toast on a platter before me that Gabriel graciously served. The golden brown bread drips of syrup and multiple fruits on top of it. Apparently Dante had left for work but gracefully blessed me with his card to get what I need for an event I'm supposedly accompanying him to today without my say.

"Mrs Delrico-"

"Isadora please" I interrupt my guard for today who seems to pay a particular interest in watching my every move, including putting food in my mouth as if I'd try to stab myself

We're not there...quite yet.

"When would you like to leave so I could prepare for the driver" he says with both hands interlocked in front of him and his gaze piercing through mine

"We can leave right after I eat"

Dante made a huge mistake lending me his card, I have a good feeling about today for I will be hitting him hard where it hurts the most.



My phone continues to buzz again for the 5th time, interrupting me once more.

"Sir do you need to take that?" A staff seated amongst the table says but I refuse, my attention solely on why I'd assembled a meeting.

"As I was saying, I need guards placed around these entrances, I don't want anyone coming in armed be sure to be thorough with security checks. Now I'm aware there is a blind spot which is why I also need a guard there as well. This has to run smoothly only because I can't have armed men inside, use your hand to hand combat skills if you're placed inside but Greg rest of you are expected to be armed"

"Now I'll leave my assistant to the rest of you have any more questions feel free to ask Soleil, you're all dismissed"

As the room starts to clear out I take the moment to check my phone as it starts buzzing once more.

"Good day Mr Delrico, I'm calling about the card ending in 7458. There has been some suspicion raised about it and has been flagged for fraud activity due to the amount of money spent today which totals 1.3 million. Should I go ahead and freeze the account until the issue is resolved?"

"No, that's just my wife throwing a tantrum, run the bills through and drop the suspicion" I can't help but smile a bit on Isadora's choice of action today. She's attempting to strike back at me but she's going to have to hit way harder.

I open the bank receipts just has Emilio walks in, it states she bought a Rolls-Royce, 4 different pairs of heels all ranging above a grand, as well as a swimsuit that's worth a grand.

"What's so intriguing?" Emilio states but my eyes still fixated on my phone reading through the receipt

"Isadora just bought a swimsuit that's worth a grand" I snort while his face remains puzzled


"She doesn't even know how to swim"



After hours of shopping I finally settled with a simple gold silk dress that sits right on my body. My bodyguard informs me that I'll be going to the event alone and Dante would've been there prior. Apparently this is a business event that he hosts every year to seal deals and collaborations.

I step out the car greeted by the large building with no paparazzi most likely because I'm going through a back entrance. Stepping in the building I take note of the transparent roof and walls, revealing the large decorated pool and water fountain where people are smoking at. The guard directs me to the centre room where many chandeliers hang, illuminating the place to look elegant, pairing up with the stars from the sky.

Everything here is made of glass from the walls to the stairs and the floor above where guards are placed.

A hand skims around my waist jolting me back to reality, causing me to take note that my guard had left with me not noticing. I attempt to pull away from him but he holds me closer, pulling me flush against his chest.

"You have been up to a lot of things today haven't you?" He says to my ear, reminding me of all the spendings I did

"Well you did say get whatever I want" I reply looking around the crowd looking for no one in particular

"Getting a car you can't even use? Because last time I checked you had a driver"

"If you really want your money back you can just ask for it" I bite which forces him to let out a low rumble

"Ma chérie, that is how much I make per week, now what a good attempt it was but you'd have to be more creative than money" he places a kiss to the side of my head before acknowledging the man walking over to us. I don't think twice but to leave his presence, why did it go hot in here all of a sudden ?

I step out to get some air again, feeling the warm breeze on my skin watching as the florals in the pool flow. Looking through the glass walls my eyes seen to lay back on Dante once more, watching as his jaw moves after every single sentence. A woman comes up from behind him, her hand lingering around his arm as she places kisses at both sides of his cheeks.

He slips an arm around her waist as he continues talking to the same man minutes before. They shake hands on queue as the man walks away, leaving both of them together. In their close proximity they do nothing but talk, smirks forming on her mouth from here to there while Dante's face remains emotionless as usual

At my attempt to turn around, someone bumps into me causing me to loose my balance. My feet betrays me as I fall backwards in the pool, chlorine immediately burning my lungs as I fight for air.

Only if I knew how to swim

The dress weighs me down even more as I continue struggling with my vision starting to darken. I try to flap and scream but it only burns more, I feel like I'm suffocating, my heart pounding against my rib cage as I try not to panic too much. Thoughts start running through my head, my mind focusing on many different things as once but nothing at the same time...

This is how I die ?
Hey guys it's been a minute,sorry for the late update I've been busy with sports and school and exams that are coming up. I'll try to update as much as I can but won't be consistent as much for about 2 weeks.

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