The memories

120 7 15

"Isadora?" I call out, my brows furrow as I watch her get unstable on her feet. I move close to her, stopping her from falling as she falls limp in my arms.

An unsettling feeling courses through me as I carry her up in bridal style towards her bedroom. A certain relief passes as I notice her chest rise up which crosses out one thing off my list.

I quickly pull out my phone, dialing my doctor who informs me he's 30 minutes away. I call Emilio after, my attention still fixated on her unconscious one

"I don't know what happened she just collapsed" I blurt out once he picks up, my free hand tussling about in my hair.

"On my way" is all he says before hanging up. I stand there thinking to myself, did I cause this?
I was under the compulsion of what Salva had done to her which spun me out of control. I shouldn't be here, I am too dangerous to be with her. I don't protect her, I put her in harms way.

"You think you are capable of being normal like your friends? Look around son, you are nothing but a killing machine. You are the monster everyone runs from in stories, you are the evil people conquer" my father slaps me hard causing me to fall to the ground

"You can't even control your temper, you are good for nothing. I don't want you ever mentioning going anywhere that is not training or school. You don't deserve to have fun do you hear me? You don't deserve anything! A disappointment is what I should call you" he whips my bare back continuously while I cry out and beg for mercy

"Remember this from now on, you Dante Delrico can never be a normal human being and that is who you are, incapable of doing anything except killing, do you hear me?!"

"Yes papa" My voice breaks as I respond, laying flat on the ground while my back stings. My mind puzzling over the fact that he made me do this, I killed the two men because he asked me to, I only ever wanted to make him proud. I eyes shut as I realize nothing I could ever do will make him proud.

Emilio barges in snapping me out of my trance as I turn to face his worried face.

"What did you do ?" He approaches the bed taking note of Isadora laying unconscious on it, her tight curls all over her pillows as her shallow breath causes her chest to rise and fall

"I'm not sure"

"There's a bruise on her neck Dante"

"Salva did that, don't worry I took care of it. But she didn't like the way it was handled" I connect my tired gaze to his, he watches me intently while silence grew upon us

"I should go" he doesn't object and I don't expect him to, Emilio is the only person who knows what type of person I am truly, he understands why and how I became this.

I don't bother looking at her, I walk out silently, meeting the doctor halfway as if on queue.

"She has history of panic attacks, I'm not sure if that's useful or not" he simply nods before heading over to her room.


A knock lands on my office door and I wave my assistant in through the transparent door.

"Is there anything you want for brunch Mr Delrico ?" Camille asks reminding me it's afternoon already. I had gone to the office as I left the manor last night, spending my entire night reading through collaboration applications

"Croque Tartine Parisienne with my coffee, merci" I don't plan on going back to the house anytime soon, staying away from her is beneficial for both of us.

Emilio walks in as Camille takes my order, waiting her dismissal before he starts

"Isadora ran off" I stare up at him, waiting for him to tell me this is his attempt to joke but his expression remains the same

"You were supposed to be watching her Emilio, how did she slip away?"

"We were at the ice cream shop and she left through the back, she didn't permit me to be beside her at all time so I retained my distance"

"Which was a foolish decision because I gave you specific orders not to take your eyes off her" my hand go up to massage my temple, will this woman ever just sit still peacefully for a day

"I think she's with Raphael"

"The doctor who seems to want nothing but get between her legs?" My eyes shoot up, if he wasn't my best friend I'd be putting a bullet in him. There's something about Raphael that doesn't sit right with me or Emilio for a fact

We can't seem to find anything on where he grew up where he schooled, not even where he got the education to practice medicine. It is as if he just spawned in and placed in that role just like that.

"Was she wearing her ring?" I ask remembering the ring wasn't only for show but also a way to always track her.

"I believe so, I'll get on tracking it"

"Inform me when you have her location, I'll get her myself"


I walk out of her room heading towards mine, her words still lingering over my head.

I guess this is how your father treated you

It wasn't so much of her getting a rise out of me, it was because she was right. My father was a terrible man who did terrible things, he invented me to become like him in every way possible so that any actions I take has to be like his or it wasn't the right decision.

I approach my bathroom, looking into the mirror before smashing my fist in it, feeling nothing. Not even pain.

I slip out of my clothes to change into sweatpants that hangs low on my hip, revealing a scar from a stabbing. My eyes linger on the bottle of medication I gave up taking for my nightmares, nothing ever works.

I head over to my bed, strapping myself to the bed just incase I have one of those intense nightmares again. This is something I've always been battling with since I killed my father a little over 20 years ago.

Although he is dead, I still get haunted by his past actions which forces me actively fight in my sleep. I close my eyes, remembering his last words to me

Remember son, to beat the monster you have to become one

Just a very short chapter to show Dante's pov

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