The ice cream shop

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Just before the darkness completely takes over, a strong arm wraps around me, guiding me to the shallow end before carrying me bridal style. Goosebumps rises on my skin as I get pulled out the cold water and I start to shiver. My eyes trail above, taking a look at my saviour, their jaw is well chiseled for one which accompanies his stubble beard. His nose is pointy while his hair drips of water.

"Someone get me a towel!" He yells making his adam's apple bob up and down. I gaze around hoping I didn't cause much of a scene but it looks like a few people did notice and are now staring intensely.

A guard offers him a towel before he is places me down on the nearest chair. He wraps the dry cloth around me and I gracefully accept it. Using the sides to dry my hair, Dante reveals himself with the guard that had brought the towel.

"What happened" he grits through his teeth and I almost wince at the tone.

"I saved her from drowning that's what, I saw her fall into the pool after loosing balance" the stranger explains, there's something oddly familiar about his voice making me look up to him once more to analyze his features.

His hooded brows and brown eyes remain known but I still can't quite tell how.

"I got it from here" Dante expresses as he takes off his suit jacket, placing it around me once he's removed the towel. I pull my arms through the sleeves, folding the material around my body to cover myself and more especially my hard rock nipples.

The man shares a quick glance with me before he leaves.

"I don't suppose you have an extra dress hidden somewhere?" I say looking down at my fingers, he's furious I know that, he has to be.

"We should go" he replies, crouching down before me as he starts to take off my heels. He lets them hand on his finger tips before pulling me up, placing his free hand at the small of my back, guiding me out with people still staring.


The car remains silent with my stomach grumbling from time to time, I'm afraid to say anything to tick him off but I really want ice cream

"I'm sorry" I manage to force out looking at everything but him

"For what?" He asks with his deep toned voice, glancing quickly at me before looking onto the road once more

"Ruining the event, I-"

"You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault, although that would've been a great way to show off the swimwear you got today" if I didn't know any better I'd say he was joking with me? I can't help but smile at the comment, maybe spending a grand on one piece of swimwear was my brightest thought

My stomach grumbles again forcing me to pull my bottom lip between my teeth, contemplating asking him to stop for ice cream.

"You're hungry" he states the obvious, still looking on the road

"Can we get ice cream, please" I blurt out almost immediately making his eyes fly down to the display screen

"I'm not sure we can find any ice cream shop opened at this time Isadora" I glance onto the screen taking a look at the time that reads 10:45 my smile drops when I realize he's right, there won't be any shop open for ice cream.

He shifts, using one hand on the steering wheel and the other grabbing his phone to type. He drops his phone after a few seconds, going the opposite way home while the rain starts to poor heavily now.

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