The safe house

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Making it to the second safe house, this one's more bigger and more secure. The gates are higher and there's 3 guards outside so far that I'd seen, the interior is more modern like the manor but not as elegant.

"Hey you" a familiar voice interrupts my thinking, causing me to look up, connecting gazes with Emilio. Warmth and safety fills my heart again and I can finally breathe after holding my breath since we were attacked at the ball.

I limp as fast as I could which wasn't fast enough but made my way towards him, our bodies colliding and melting as one as he pats my hair down.

"I thought I was going to die" I whisper loud enough for him to hear. I don't know how my aunt and uncle did it, just the sight of blood is enough to make me pass out, come to think they were the ones doing the killing.

"You're safe now I promise" Emilio reassures which is just then I realized we weren't alone apart from Dante being in the room. A familiar woman is here, her straight hair alongside her eyes reminds me who she is. Soleil.

I dart my attention from her and onto two unknown men who are preoccupied in the living room by a bunch of tech equipments.

"Not to ruin this heartwarming moment but we have work to do" Soleil says with a generous amount of confidence behind it, something I'm starting to envy

"You got banged up nicely" Emilio utters as he analyses me, taking a step back. He turns to Soleil, communicating with just eyes before she motions for me to follow her.

"Glass shard to the leg, I managed to pull it out and stitch but needs a better dressing I suppose"Dante's deep toned voice booms as he walks past us and heads towards the two men.

Soleil guides me through the nearest hallway, opening a door to reveal some sort of medic room. It takes on the rest of the interior with an electric chair at the centre of it.

"Have a seat and let me take a look at it" she orders, turning to the side to grab a few objects as I start to get half naked again for the second time. Honestly I might as well open an only fans account to get paid instead.

"I think we got off the wrong foot, I'm Soleil, Dante's left hand." She drags a chair across to meet me, taking a seat on it as she draws closer to my leg.

"I was just puzzled to see him with you, Isadora Morano. Hm..Morano..that is the Spanish mafia if I'm not mistaken?" She looks up at me raising her brows as if daring me to lie, my mouth runs dry as I try to find words to spit out. No one has ever asked me this question before and I sure as hell don't know if I should clarify it truly

"It's okay, I already have my answer. I wonder what he sees in you, I mean an outcast of mafia decent living under his roof free of charge is something I never thought that devil would do. Most people are hard as a rock on the outside but turn out soft on the inside, safe to say that's not the case for Dante princess, people like you spend time hiding from him and when he does find them, he'll do nothing but ruin them." She looks up at me, pupils dilated and I know a lot more about human behaviour analysis to know she's trying to scare me but also telling the truth

As a lawyer it is my job to read people, figure out their ticks and what gives them out but never successfully figured out Dante. Soleil talks like she knows him like the back of her hand, knowing all his possible actions like she studies him for a living. Part of me wishes she were wrong but safe to say all of it is completely true and the weird thing is that he doesn't completely terrify me, some sick part of me loves the fear he inflicts on me. Like an addict reuniting with their fuse after being in withdrawal for so long.

"All set, if you want to freshen up there's a room upstairs, second door to your right" she draws back from me, standing to her full length as she walks out without any more words.

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