The boss

121 4 1

I jolt awake, expecting to be in my bed but when you have such luck like me, that would the slightly crossing the border to impossible.

This really cannot be happening-again. I try to control my breath to stop me from panicking but it gets worse the moment I hear someone stepping inside wherever I am.

The blindfolds on my face is tied tightly, so is my hands and legs. For once in my life I now wish to have had the classic training you get when born in a mafia family.

"H-hello?" I call out with a shaky voice hoping to get a response but the only reply I get back is utter silence.

I can feel sweat dripping from my forehead, my heart pounding against my rib cage as if begging to be free and I lick my lips.

"I know you're in here" I attempt again but still nothing

"What do you want from me? You want money ? I can give you that, just please let me go"

Just then I hear footsteps and a wave of relive washes through me. Before I know I feel a set of fingers on my face, warm tips pulling the blindfold off.

Awareness stings me as the memories from court earlier hits me. He was the guy sitting on the last row in the spectators stand.

I can see his features really clear now. His eyes almost obscured from his hooded and thick eyebrows. His jaw so sharp it looks like it could cut, he has on ear piercing on his left and a silver chain around his neck. He's wearing a plain black shirt and dress pants and rings around his finger.

"You" I breathe out making him shoot up an eyebrow.

"Me?" He huffs out in a grave tone

"What do you want? Why were you at the court earlier? Were you following me?"

"So many questions.." he cocks his head to the side to analyze my face.

"I don't want to be here-"

"Really? Cause you might've convinced me with all your begging" he replies sarcastically making me bite down hard.

"I think you have the wrong person-"

"Only right thing you've said since" he interrupts and I stare at him blankly. He kidnapped me by...mistake?


"You see I was there for your little assistant, she and I have some unfinished business but turns out you both are hard to tell the difference at night" he confesses and I look around trying to wrap my head around it. What is he blind? Because I'm slightly taller than Lèa who has a shorter than hair length than me as well.

"What do you want with Lèa" I grit between my teeth and his lips pull up into a playful smirk

"Protective now are we?" He smiles but I just keep my gaze

"Your little assistant-"

"Lèa" I correct and he rolls his eye before continuing

"Lèa, failed to stop the compact investigation going on about my boss. She did give me all the information she had secured but now that didn't help did it? Because you were just handed the case"

The case that Matthias had given me of the French mafia. But how does he know that?

"Another information Lèa spilt earlier" he adds, answering my question.

Lèa's been feeding information to a criminal about their case to help them? Why?

"Why would she do that?" I quirk my brows

"I'll leave you be" he turns around ignoring the question and I call out to him various times before he reaches the door

"What is your name?" I ask and surprisingly he stops to look at me

"Emilio, princess" with that he steps out of the dull room, leaving me all by myself once again.

I had woken up today, thinking the plan would go smoothly since it was Emilio carrying out the task but I guessed wrong because he abducted the wrong person.

"How could you let this happen" I shout, banging my fist on my desk.

"Well it's not like you gave me time to prepare and fish out detailed information about her, for example probably where she lives?" He replies back with his arms crossed and his feet planted in the ground.

"Emilio" I send a warning glare for him to watch his tone and he does just that.

"What do we do now?"

"You don't do nothing, seems like I have to do things on my own because no one seems to know how to do things anymore" I get up, walking across the room trying to come up with ways to fix such difficulty.

How stupid does a person have to be to abduct the wrong person. Lèa's been working with us for years how can he just assume he'd been following her easily. She's been under the radar for a while and if she doesn't want to be found she can't be found, I can't risk sending my men to the firm either because I might as well have a bolo out for me in that building.

A knock on my door makes my head snap in the same direction, ordering for the person to reveal themselves.

"Sir we have a problem, the lady managed to slip out of her restraints and we can't seem to locate her anywhere..." he mutters before looking at his feet and I wait for him to spit out what else he has to say

"The files about you is gone as well" he looks up to meet my gaze carefully while I close my eyes to breathe slowly and carefully before I do something I would regret later

"What? How the fuck is that even possible!" Emilio yells at him, practically killing him with his tone

"We don't know but we do have the footage-"

"Then I suggest you show it before you waste any of my time" he turns around as I walk out the door, heading for the IT room.

Various workers are running around trying to probably find out how she escaped and where she is now but there would be only on straight answer to that.

Her office.

They play the recording and my eyes trail up to the big screen in front of me. I watch as she sways her hips around the file room which happened to be conveniently the next door where she held.


I don't see much of her face as she keeps looking for something that seems like a way out, my guess a blueprint of the building which is very much hidden at my house.

Finally, she stumbles on my file and realization hits her as she notices the camera. I strain my eyes to take a closer look so I can assay her features well.

Her hair is curly and long, skin is bronzed which goes well with her big brown eyes. She lifts up her right hand before flipping the camera off.

You little mouse.

"I don't know what's worse, how hell of attractive that was or the balls she had doing such" Emilio utters with a grin which forces me to roll my palm out and slap the back of his head.

"Get prepared, it's time to pay my little lawyer a visit"

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