The arrangements

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I stare at the 20 page contract, my eyes darting from it to Emilio's each second. When I sign this document, they own me, they control who I speak to and how, they control where I stay and how I live.

I now understand why my dad left the mafia. This is all too much, I'm just a normal lawyer after all.

"We don't have much time, princess" Emilio forces out which makes me snort at the nickname he's given me

"Easy for you to say" I sigh, adjusting myself in Emilio's leather seat placed in front of his desk, situated in his office.

"I get that you're scared, I brought you into this mess and I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you foreshadowing the contract, so you really have nothing to worry about" his left hand finds its way on top mine as his gaze bores into mine

"I thought men in the mafia are to be cold and distant like your boss" I squint my brows and Emilio erupts out laughter from his body

"Dante is human robot, no one can be like him. Besides, that part of us is activated when in combat or facing an enemy, just like how you have your game face on when in court"

I slip my hands from under his and start to sign each sections in the paper. He explains to me that  the only reason why marriage with Dante is the only answer is because I'd be a sitting duck without it, apparently when a civilian finds out about the mafia world then other enemies will try to kill you to cover their asses from getting spilled. Signing this contract means I'm under French mafia's protection or should I say being Dante's wife means I'm untouchable. 

  He'd also mentioned to take me to the new house I would be moving into and that after I sign the marriage certificate is when I'd be able to get all my personal Items from my house.

He tells me I'm not allowed to go anywhere unsupervised but advices me to not go anywhere at all for my own safety.

"What about Lèa?" I ask as he guides me outside the building, taking me to his car.

"She'll return to her duties and will keep checking in just so no one gets suspicious of anything"

"Aren't people going to notice I'm gone?"

"Another thing Lèa will handle, relax and don't worry" we reach a red Porsche and he opens the door for me, making sure to shut it the moment I fully enter the vehicle.


After a 40 min long drive, we finally drive through a gate that reveals a big villa. I seriously cannot be possibly living here on my own.

"You aren't, you might've misunderstood what I had said. This is where you'll stay, Dante's house." He replies which makes me realize I might've said my last thought out loud.

"He lives here by himself?" I gape because a single person shouldn't be allowed to live at such a huge place.

"Yes and no, I sometimes spend the night over, plus the house workers live here as well" I nod at his explanation before he continues again

"Come on, let's show you your new home" He  exists the car before I could respond and I make sure to do the same. Can I add he walks really fast?

There's a fountain at the centre of the driveway which will make the cars drive around it. The entrance of the house is led by two low stairs and a flat cremated ground to walk on before I realize the door opens by Identifying the palm on a screen. The door opens and I'm met with a large arched entrance that foresees a ceramic table which displays various car keys and a crystal chandelier at the centre.

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