The event

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As the night goes on, Celine tells me about how she met Dante which led to something much more, if you ask me she's delusional. Men like Dante only use people for sex and throw them out the next.

"Honestly I understand why it stopped, seeing you is bringing out the lesbian I didn't know I had in me" Celine compliments, holding her gaze as she sips her fourth glass of champagne

"I'm flattered" I offer a smile before looking onto the man who'd been watching me since Dante left

"How about you go talk to him instead of letting the tension suffocate me" She jokes, taking note of where my attention is fixated. She's not wrong, maybe I can finally get why he's been watching me, plus I've heard enough about Dante's sex life.

Without any words, I nod at her before making my way across the room. His features become more clearer and I take note of his eyebrow slit above his left eye, black gelled hair that compliments his chiseled jawline. He has a similar build as Dante, one that could snap me in half if he wanted to.

"Enjoying the view?" I confidently say as he rests his forearm on the high table accompanying him

"Oh it is an amazing view indeed" he remarks with a thick accent I can't make out

"You can tell my husband I'm not a baby who needs to be watched so get lost" I seethe but he seems to not understand what I mean

"I'm afraid you're mistaken me for someone else" his eyes dart across my face and a flush of embarrassment flood me

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't-"

"It's all forgotten really, but I must confess I was indeed staring, I was working up the courage to ask you for a dance" He interrupts me, standing fully straight with one hand out for me and a smirk playing around his lips

"I guess one dance wouldn't hurt" I smirk, taking his hand which are painted with tattoos. He brings me onto the dance floor occupied with dozens of people before putting his palm on the small of my back.

With my hands around the back of his shoulder, we move in sync, eyes boring into each other as we dance to the classical music. In a flash, we bump into someone while I feel a pinch on my arm causing me to spin around only to see Dante coming out of a room with concern filling his eyes.

Darkness washes over his eyes as he notices my previous actions before I had pressed my back against my dance partner.

"If you'll excuse me" I offer an apologetic smile to him before walking over to Dante who is on the phone which makes his brows pull close to each other.

"We need to leave right now" he grabs my arm, firmly hoisting me past the crowd of people. I notice we don't go through the main entrance but from another one, leading to the side of the building with a few cars parked.

"W-what's going on" I manage to ask but he doesn't respond, instead we get interrupted by a car driven by the valet from earlier.

"Get in" Dante orders as he walks around to his side before speeding off without warning.

"Listen to me, how long were you with him?"

"Who? The man I was dancing with? I don't know, I noticed he'd been watching me since you left why?" As his mouth opens to reply, bullets fly through the back mirror of the car causing me to scream

"Dante!" I squeal as the car picks up a more faster pace

"Get down" one hand leaves the steering wheel as he places it on my head, drawing me close to him to shield me.

My eyes remain shut as the sound of gunshots fill my ears, making the car swerve until we come to a stop.

"Does it hurt?" His deep tones voice rumbles which makes me open my eyes only to see a glass shard in my leg from when the side mirror broke

"Oh my god! Oh my-"

"It's going to be-"

"Fine? There's glass in my leg Dante! People are shooting at us" I stop to catch my breath, looking out the open window to see we're in the middle of nowhere

Dante gets out of the car without a word before walking over to my side to help me out as well. I guess the adrenaline is masking the pain from my leg as of now but that doesn't stop me from freaking out

I rest on the car while he walks over to a shed, pulling out a motorcycle as if he stashed it there just in case. He walks back to me, going on his knees to take off my heels without my objection, before guiding me over to the bike.

"Hold on tight" he tells me as he gets on after me,my dress ridden up but not enough to show my lacy underwear. My mind is trying to wrap around what is going on, I feel my heartbeat pick up and I'm afraid I might have another panic attack. Unfortunately I'm left with no choice but to put my life in the hands of Dante once again.

He slows his speed as we drive into the driveway of a small cottage made with white bricks. His big arms slip around me as he carries me bridal style and into the house. It has a friendly touch interior to it, like a place where a simple perfect family would live.

He places me down, my arm still around his neck while he hoists me close to him around the waist as he opens a drawer in the kitchen that is filled with medical supplies. He grabs as much things he needs, making sure to use his mouth to hold something as well. We sit on the couch, my thigh on his as he pours a solution on it which causes it to burn.

I groan in pain as he pulls the shard out and my head feels light with the sight of the amount of blood coming out. Dante's mutters words to me but it only sounds like he's under water.


I'm back here again. In the dark room, tied up once more. My ears are ringing, eyes are drowsy but I just want my mom cuddling me in my bed.

"How many times will I say shut up!" The man yells at me, pointing a gun at me. I try to quiet down my sobs which only makes breathing difficult. Another man appears through the door, the only nice one,

"You yell at her one more time polo I dare you" he walks over to me, patting my head to calm me down I suppose but only my parents will calm me down right now. The man had lied, he wasn't taking me to the ice cream shop to meet my aunt, he had taken me somewhere far away I think.

"Please untie me, I don't like this game at all" I say between sniffles making both of the men burst out laughing. They continue laughing until they reach the door, locking me in the dark room alone again.

"Isadora!" My eyes snap up at the sound of my name called by Dante, my throat sore as if I had been screaming out loud. I feel my forehead damp, water dripping down my face as I'm shivering.

He lets go of my face before touching my forehead and mumbling something. Before I know it, his shirt is off and he's getting into bed with me.

"Here, place your head on me" he welcome me as I gracefully draw myself onto him, hugging his warmth while I also hear his relaxed heartbeat.

"What are they about" he says lowly, almost as a whisper but I know he was referring to my nightmare

"They?" I manage to force out softly, pointing out his choice of words as if this isn't the first time he'd encountered me having a nightmare

"Your screams are loud enough for me to hear when back at the manor" he confesses, I don't know what's worse, him hearing me having nightmares and acting as if everything is fine the next day or him knowing I'm haunted by my past which he could use against me

"Who was shooting at us?" I say after a long pause of weighing my pros and cons if I should tell him about what they are.

"I don't know yet, Emilio had been watching and had warned there was suspicious activity going on, the man that was watching you works for an enemy of mine, there were unregistered guards placed at the entrance and the back exit of the room I had been in" I take it all in with a sigh recalling what he and Emilio had said before I'd married him

"You said no harm would come my way Dante" I whisper, snuggling him closer to get more warmth as I start to doze off again

"Forgive me, chérie"

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