The recovery

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I can feel my heart breaking with each passing moment as I watch the only light in my life slip away. A cruel relentless ache that tightens in my chest, suffocating me with each breath.

I cannot loose anyone again, especially her.

Tears streaming down my face as I express my pain out loud, going against everything I've been taught. For the second time in my life I don't feel numb, I feel my heart aching, I feel the worst type of emotion, the emotion I've ran from over and over again.

She can't die, I won't let her.

"Where is the ambulance!" I furiously yell at the audience behind me and just on queue a set of people come rushing in, taking her from me and attending to her. I look down at my body, stained with blood,

Her blood

"Save her" I say almost like a whisper before getting up, standing to my full length. My eyes trail up to meet Emilio's stone cold ones, glad to know someone else feels the same way I do now.

"Where are they" I ask lowly and he turns around, leading me through this horrible excuse of a black site.
Reese and Raphael are hung like animals, chained to the ceiling like they did her. I slowly walk up to them, the feeling of numbness taking over me as Emilio shuts the metal door.

"Congratulations father you will finally get to see the boy you raised years ago"


My eyes fall on her limp body, laying down on the gurney in a deep slumber. She has a concussed head, black eye, slightly crushed windpipe, stitched up stomach and lashes on her back. I rub my temple letting out a deep breath considering if I should contact her parents or not. What do I even tell them?

Lea is seated on the bed with her while Emilio and Soleil are out in the waiting area.

A soft groan fills the room instantly pulling my attention back to her. Isadora stirs, her eyes fluttering as they adjust to the light but I remain seated.

Some part of me fears what she might say to me, what she might feel towards me, after all this is all my fault.

"Hey, Hi Isa" Lea says softly as she smiles at Isadora

"You gave us quite a scare, don't ever do that again, I thought I had lost you" Lea adds, hugging Isadora but careful enough not to crush her with her weight

Isadora lets out a breathless laugh, returning the hug. They remain like that for a few seconds before her gaze lands on me.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to get you anything?" Lea asks as she pulls away, getting off the bed as an excuse to leave the room

"Water is fine"

"Hi" She says moments after Lea leaves. Her head is turned to her right, allowing her to get a proper view of me.

"Hey" I smile lightly before standing up and heading for her. My fingertips grazes her right hand and she welcomes them by returning the touch

"I'm okay Dante, it's not your fault" She utters as if reading my thoughts, something she's gotten better at recently.

I snort lightly, slightly shaking my head.

"Define okay Isadora because this is definitely not what an okay person looks like" I attempt to pull away but she tightens her grip on my hand, ushering me closer to her. She scoots to the left giving me space to lay beside her but I don't think twice to accept the invitation.

"I'll be fine" She places her head on my chest while I caress her hair gently. My mind wanders off to what I had confessed earlier and I now understand what it means to truly feel that way.

I used to be someone who never really knew what love felt like or how to give it back.

Until I met her.

She showed me that it's okay to be open and vulnerable, that it's not a weakness but a way to connect deeply. She saw me for who I am, took the time to understand me. With her I learn how to smile, to laugh, to enjoy life's little moments. She created a spark in me, teaching me how to live and love again. A feeling I have longed for.

A feeling I never want to loose, I would die for her in a heartbeat, it has taken me so long what strange feeling this was about the stranger I had married to keep an eye on but one thing is clear to me now,

I have fallen madly in love with Isadora.

                                     The End

Hope you guys loved this as much as I did. Honestly this is my fav out of the two nice written and I hope people continue to read it.

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Maybe a bonus chapter to come we'll see👀

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