The trip

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The flight to Spain was fast, perhaps just because I spent the entire time asleep. We get dropped off at the penthouse just in time for my mom to request our presence.

"Mi querida!" My dad greets as I walk into the house with Dante by my side.

"Baba" I smile, throwing my arms around him which grants me sight of my mom heading towards Dante. I hear them greet each other, most likely sharing a hug before she comes to greet me as well.

"I've missed you so much mi amor, how are you ? Future grand child on the way yet?" She wiggles her brows and I almost choke on my spit

"Mama, please" I wave her off almost rolling my eyes at her tease. We all walk into the living room when two small girls come running down the stairs,

"Isadora!" Iris and Olivia yell in unison and they ambush me with hugs. I let out a friendly laugh, lowering myself to their level as to place kisses on the side of their heads.

"You two are so cute, look at how big you are" I address, smiling before straightening up again. I watch as Iris runs to hug Dante as well who only looks at me with a strange emotion as if clueless on what to do.

"I remember you from the wedding" She says in her high pitched voice

"I do too" Olivia laughs nervously

"Yeah you were dancing with Isa, Olivia kept replaying the dance over and over again after that day" Iris complains as she shakes her head at Liv

"No I didn't!" Liv's cheeks turn red as she tries to not be embarrassed.

"Liv would you like Dante to dance it with you?" I smile causing Dante to shoot me a daring look. She nods reluctantly and Iris protests to be included as well before they drag him away from the rest of us.

"Amor take a look at the guest list for the event, is there anyone we forgot to include?" My mom hands me a booklet that shows a list of at least 500 people.

A name catches my eye, Pedro, my ex the only other guy I've been with sexually. It's hard to tell if we left things badly or not, I just left for France and never reached out to him again. His parents are very good colleagues with mine and that's how we met. Our relationship was kind of a secret because baba banned me from seeing any guy until I move out, plus it was a supposed tradition to protect females from male attention. I just can't believe they stuck to it given his history with my mom.

We slept together and the next morning he was gone which had left me to think he didn't want me anymore so I left the country.

"Pedro is here" I state blankly looking through the list of names.

"Yes, he's filling in for his dad this year" She replies and I nod in understanding

"You know I used to think something was going on between you two" My father intercepts making my eyebrows shoot up

"What? No, not at all baba" I lie shaking my head, thinking of what to change the topic to

"I told you there was nothing" My mother concludes,

"Did you get your dress yet? Also I need you to brief Dante about how the event is going to go, please tell him not to be alarmed by the guards who'll be posted"

I'm sure that won't be of any inconvenience.


I look over to the kitchen, watching as my mom teaches Dante how to cook her classic Spanish food. His sleeves rolled up to his elbow exposing his veins, the way his hands move as he cuts the veggies, while also paying attention to my mother talking with a huge smile across her face.

Iris and Olivia are showing the dance Dante taught them to me and my dad. Both of us clap as they finish and they laugh hysterically, jumping up and down.

"My goodness, Dante taught you guys well didn't he" I tease and they giggle. The sound of heels meeting tiles fill the room as Aria appears through the room.

Iris and Olivia runs over to hug her while Marco approaches the dining room as well before Jade, Chaz, Taylor and Ace reveal themselves as well.

"Wow it's a full house today" I joke as I hug them all as Dante helps my mom start to serve the food.

"Only thing missing is your child" My mom states once again which causes me to shoot her a look.

"Goodness gracious Isis let the girl live, she just got married" Aunt Taylor shakes her head as she sits down beside Ace.

"You shouldn't be talking, you left your son with your mom" Aria rolls her eyes, pouring herself a glass of wine

"He didn't want to come besides I don't have to worry about him now" She makes her point proven making everyone laugh as we start to dig into the food. The bottle of wine gets passed around until it reaches Dante who places it on the table instead.

"I don't drink alcohol" He states

"Good man" Marco points at him which makes Aria slap his shoulder.

As the rest of the night goes on, conversation are being made, laughs are shared including Dante also laughing as well. He never grew up with all of this and I can't imagine how hard it was, but it warms my heart that at least he can experience what is like to have a family.

"One more shot ?" Taylor asks the women surrounding the countertop as she fills our shot glass for the second time. We all cheers before downing the burning liquid again. A shadow lurking at the corner of my eye reveals themselves, Dante stands there watching me with no emotion behind his eyes.

"It's time to go" He grits through his teeth and I nod. He doesn't wait for me as he leaves the house, leaving me to say my goodbyes before following his trail.

"Were you drinking?" He asks with judgement laced in his tone as he opens the car door for me

"I'm not drunk" I reply, standing in front of the door as I return his gaze

"Right, get in the car Isadora" he demands but I hesitate a bit before giving in. Watching him walk around the car and onto his seat.

"Why are you talking to me like that" I ask in frustration but he remains silent allowing me to keep to myself. As we get back to the penthouse I don't wait for him open the door for me, I bolt out the car heading up the elevator with out him and into my room.

I take a quick shower before changing into a silk pj set that was gifted to me. Doing my curly hair routine and then heading out the bathroom. I grab my glass of water from the bedside drawer, chugging it down to half before placing it back to its original position.

Before I know it Dante storms into the room, heading my way and without warning throws me over his shoulder.

"What the-"I complain at his sudden action remembering his silent treatment to me earlier. He opens his room door making sure to lock it behind him before tossing me on the bed.

"No, I'm not sleeping here" I shake my head, he doesn't get to ignore me and then force me to stay the night with him. He shoots me a daring look refusing to say a word causing me to let out a heavy sigh, scooting over to my preferred side of the bed, dramatically turning my back so that it faces him.

The other side slightly dips informing me his on the bed as an arm drapes over my waist. I immediately peel his arm off me, putting some distance between us some more and practically laying on the edge of the bed.

He'll know how it feels now.

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