Chapter 2

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Sophie POV:

I gazed from the brick wall at the colorful alleyway. All the men were dressed in working suits, helping their kids buy things or trying to find them. All the woman wore everyday dresses, carrying stacks of bags and books for their kids. And some of the kids wore black cloaks over regular clothes, while others wore simple cloths. They were running around with pranks and toys, but they mainly had their faces pressed against windows, eyeing what stores were selling.

I sighed and walked through the alley. Instantly everyone's mental voices pounded inside of my head, I grabbed my head in pain. I quickly put in my earbuds and the noise faded.

People didn't notice the whole head incident, but they all started whispering and starring, and this was one of the times that I wished I wasn't an elf.

I hid behind my hair, trying not to be noticed, but thanks to elf's natural good looks, everyone noticed. I looked at my list, and saw the Uniform shop right by me. I ran inside and closed the door.

The store was old and dusty. There were hundreds of boxes along the walls, which I figured had the uniforms in there. No one was at the front of the store, but I heard some talking in the back.

"Hello." I called.

Instantly a woman ran to the front of the store. "What can I help you with, dear? And might I say, you are gorgeous."

I blushed. "Thank you. I am a transfer to Hogwarts this year and I need a uniform."

The woman gently took one of my hands. "Alright then, come with me."

I followed her to the back where there was a boy. He had blond hair that was slicked back. His brown eyes were sharp, and looked like he was mad. He wore a black cloak, and the crest on his shirt was all green. He was getting measured by an older woman.

The woman let go of my hand, and guided me to the platform to measure me. She pulled out her measuring tape and started doing her measurements.

"Hello," the boy said, with a hard English accent. "Do you go to Hogwarts?"

"Hi, and I am transferring to Hogwarts this year." I replied, letting the woman measure my arm length.

"Oh," the boy said. "Well I am Draco Malfoy. If you need someone to stay with, I am here."

"Thank you. I'm Sophie Foster." I told him.

He nodded. "Your a 4th year right?"

I nodded.

"Good, and a pure blood?"

I had no idea what that was, but I nodded.

"Thank lord, I didn't want to be seen talking to a Mudblood." Malfoy said, relieved.

Okay now I had no idea what a Mudblood was, but Malfoy made it sound like Mudbloods are bad.

"Why is the patch on your cloak green?" I asked him.

He looked at it and smirked. He started to remind me of Keefe but the rude version. "At Hogwarts there are 4 houses. Griffindoor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. I am in Slytherin which is why my patch is green. But I hope you are in Slytherin. You seem like you'd fit in, and not to mention you are really pretty."

I turned bright pink, and he grinned. "Thank you."

He nodded. Then the person who measured him left and returned with a box.

"Well it was nice talking to you Sophie." Malfoy said, taking his stuff. "See you around."

He left, leaving alone.

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