Chapter 15

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Sophie POV:

That night I slept with nightmares. I went downstairs to the common room, deciding sleep was overrated.

I watched the fire crackle, and provide light to the common room. I fiddled with my scarf, and saw the fire make a shape. I walked towards it, and went on my knees. The fire turned into a familiar face.

"Mr. Forkle?" I asked, in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello Mrs. Foster." He said through the fire. "I had to find a way to contact you. I need to know about these Wizards. Explain."

I sighed and told him everything. I told him about how I am competing, Harry Potters backstory, what Wizards and witches are, and everything that has been happening.

"What's everything like in the Lost Cities?" I asked him. "How is Keefe?"

"The Lost Cities have been fine. No news with the Neverseen. Your friends miss you a lot, especially Keefe." Forkle told me. "Once I told Keefe about the news of you leaving, the next day he put a Gulon in my desk."

I snickered.

"He wants to see you." Forkle said. "I don't know how to make that happen, but-"

"I know how!" I exclaimed, then cursed myself for being loud. "There is a ball on December 24, on Christmas. The teachers said that Keefe could come and be my date, if you or him contact her. So can you?"

"How will I do that?" Forkle asked.

I thought about that for a minute. "Send Keefe an understanding of English. Then get ahold of a human phone, and call her. Have him tell her that he is my date and I requested for him to come."

Forkle nodded. "You sound different."

I smiled. "The people here talk different."

He grinned. "Anything else?"

I smiled again. "Lots of Bottles of Youth, and some Mallowmelt, and have Biana pick a dress for me to wear, then could Keefe bring it?"

Forkle laughed. "I'll try to get those to you.
Thank you Mrs. Foster."

I nodded, and the fire went back to normal. I read a book for the rest of the night, until it was morning.

I went to breakfast, where I met Hermione.

"You will not believe what happened!" Hermione said excitedly. "Viktor asked me to the ball!"

We both squealed and I hugged her. "Do Harry and Ron know?" I asked.

Hermione shook her head. "I wanted to go with Ron. But he never asked me. He and Harry went looking for a date yesterday."

I sighed. "I'm so sorry."

She smiled at me. "Don't worry about it. Viktor is amazing, and is so nice and caring. I'm happy I'm going with him."

I nodded.

"I have news too." I said. "My boyfriend is flying out here for the ball!"

Hermione hugged me. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Before the semester started."

Hermione nodded. Then everyone else came. "I got to go. Bye Sophie."

I waved to her and sat with Ciella and Gigi.

"Hey Sophie." They both said.

"Hi guys-" I started, but was cut off when a boy came up to me.

"Hey Sophie, can I be your date to the ball?" He asked.

Sophie Foster and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now