Chapter 10

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Harry POV:

"Harry you have to eat something." Hermione pressured me.

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled.

Today was the first task. We had no idea what the task was going to be, only that it involved dragons (thanks to Sophie). I was stressed for the first task. I didn't know what it would be, only that the task was in 2 hours.

"Go on Harry, you won't be able to do well on an empty stomach." Ron said, with eggs in his mouth.

I couldn't help but smile when Hermione moved slightly away from him.

"To make you guys happy." I said, taking a piece of toast and spreading jam on it.

Ron and Hermione could easily tell that I was nervous, so they decided to talk about anything but the first task. I saw Sophie, who looked like she hadn't slept.

She had dark circles under her eyes, and had a crinkle between her eyebrows. I wondered what was going on with her, and if she was going to be okay to compete. She slowly spread some peanut butter and jam on some toast. Her friends looked worried about her, even Malfoy.

I sighed and ate quick, so I could go to the competitors tent.

I changed into my outfit, since I was the only one there. I somehow looked good in it. I walked over to the front of the tent, where I would walk out of in the task. I peaked through the crack, and saw a huge stone pit. There seemed to be a golden egg in the middle. Students from all schools started entering the arena.

I calmed myself down and remembered the spell I needed, incase I needed my broom.

"What is it?" A voice asked behind me, making me jump.

I whipped around to find Sophie, already dressed and ready to compete.

"What is what?" I asked.

She walked towards me. "What is the arena like?"

I moved out the way to let her see. She looked outside and raised her gol flecked eyes towards me.

"Do you think the Dragon will try to stop us from getting to the egg?" She asked me.

I shrugged. It was a good guess. "Maybe, but-"

We were cut off when everyone walked in. Viktor, Fleur, the teachers, McGonigall, Dumbledore, and the Minister.

"Gather around." The Minister said, pulling out a small brown pouch. "Welcome to the first task. This task will involve dragons." Sophie gave me a look. "I'm the center of the arena there is a golden egg which you will have to receive. The dragon will prevent you from doing so. The way you win is by having the most points. Points are earned by how you get your egg, and if you get it or not. Now each of you will take turns drawing your dragon from the brown pouch I am holding. Once I announce your name you will compete, then go back to this tent. The order is Fleur, Viktor, Harry, then Sophie."

We took turns drawing from the pouch. I ended up with the Hungarian Horntail which was one of the most dangerous ones. Sophie got a Swedish Short-snout.

We heard the Minister announce Fleur who preyed, then went outside. We were silent as we heard the dragon snarling and shooting fire. But I heard something behind the tent.

I walked over to the back and leaned against it where someone was on the other side.

"Harry?" Hermione's voice whispered.

"Yeah. I'm here." I whispered back. "What's up?"

Hermione sighed. "I-I wanted to tell you to be careful today. Okay?"

I smiled. "I will Hermione."

Then she came in and hugged me. I hugged her back, but we were interrupted by a flashing white light.

Hermione pulled away and saw a reporter with her big camera.

"Ah young love." She said dreamily. "That will go perfect on the front page."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

She came over and shook everyone's hands while saying, "My name is Rita Skeeter. Reporter for the daily profit. I will be interviewing each of you individually during your Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Viktor walked towards her.

"Why hello." She said, bitting on the tip of her magic quill.

"This tent is only for competitors." Viktor said, then looked at Hermione and gave a small smile. "And friends."

Hermione turned pink and looked away.

Rita Skeeter smiled. "Why of course."

She left through the back of the tent, leaving us all in relief. Hermione left too, so that left me, Sophie, and Viktor.

Sophie looked sad after Hermione left, and I was about to go over to her when Fleur walked back in.

She had a gash going down her arm, and didn't have the egg. Her teacher was holding her as she sobbed. Then Viktor was announced and he went outside, as Fleur went to the medical section of the tent. That left me and Sophie.

I sat on the chair next to her, as she had glassy eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She sighed. "I just wish my boyfriend and my other friends were here right now."

"You have a boyfriend?" I asked, not in a weird way. "What's he like?"

She smiled. "He is amazing. His name is Keefe. He is handsome, caring, and definitely the most thoughtful person I know."

I smiled. "He sounds perfect for you. When did you last see him?"

"I last saw him 3 days before school started." She said with her hands on her lap. "I just wish he was here right now."

I nodded.

Viktor walked into the tent with his schools headmaster. He had blood dripping from his temple, and a burned leg. He went to the medical area, tended by Madam Pomfrey.

"Next Harry Potter." The Ministers voice called.

"Wish me luck." I told Sophie.

She smiled and nodded. Then I entered the arena

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