Chapter 22

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2 months later

I frantically went through my drawers, tugging at my lashes. I tossed clothes out and on my bed, wishing I could find it.


I held up my last Bottle of Youth triumphantly, and jumped on my bed. Thankfully everyone was studying and preparing for the third task tomorrow, so I was all alone. I opened the bottle and drank it, but only a drop came out.

I frowned and looked inside the bottle, where it was empty. I flopped onto my bed and sighed.

I found out Keefe would be coming back tonight with a surprise, but I still missed him so much.

No much had happened in the two months between the games. Ciella and Gigi had a fight with Malfoy, calling him some rotten things. Harry and his trio had become really close to me, and were my family here. And Malfoy is determined to find out what I am, since I always trip him with Telekinesis when he walks by me.

Anyways, I sat on my bed frowning at my last Bottle of Youth. I would have one every time I was stressed or missed home, but now I had none left.

I cleaned up my stuff and left to the dinning hall for dinner. As I walked, professor McGonigall walked up to me.

"Mrs. Foster," she said, blocking my path. "We have a surprise for the Competitors. Come with me."

I tilted my head slightly and reluctantly followed.

We walked down two halls, past the dinning hall. We stopped in front of a pair of large wooden doors. McGonigall opened the doors, where everything happened so fast that my mind couldn't process it.

I was tackled to the ground, hearing laughter. I looked up to find a familiar looking girl with teal eyes.

"Hey Sophie!" Biana said with a huge smile on her face.

I was shocked.

"Biana?!" I said, with a smile growing.

She laughed and pulled me up. Then I was attacked with with the rest of my friends hugs.

After everyone let go I went up to them individually, and hugged them. I kissed Keefe and smiled at his crooked grin.

"What up?" I asked them.

Biana smirked at Keefe. "Your right. She does sound funny."

I rolled my eyes as my friends laughed.

"The people here talk like this." I argued with a smile. "Speak English, just in case someone hears."

They all nodded and we switched to English. I was pretty sure that Fitz sent them an understanding of the language.

"How's everything back home?" I asked.

Linh gave me a sad smile. "Neverseen have still been quite. Grady and Edaline couldn't make it since they were on a Council assignment."

I sighed and nodded.

"Wait... why are you guys here?" I asked. "Not that I don't want you guys here."

Keefe smirked, "McGonigall invited us here for the third task. Then after that the semester ends and we could all go home."

My heart felt heavy when he said that I could go home. I smiled at them and nodded, after that we ate and my friends slept in the common room, unaware of what tomorrow would be like.

When we went to the Quidditch field, my jaw fell. The whole field was was devoured by trees, so tall that you would need 20 people my hight to reach the top. There were 4 pathways that lead into the ibis of trees, I figured that each pathway was for one competitor.

Sophie Foster and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now