Chapter 21

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Keefe helped me to my feet, while he pulled a soft blanket around us. He looked at me and frowned. I followed his gaze to my stomach, which had stained my towel red.

No wonder I was so dizzy

Madam Pomfrey rushed over to me, and frowned when she removed the towel. I looked anywhere but the wound, while Madam Pomfrey started to tend my stomach.

She poured something onto my wound, making it burn like crazy. I gasped and squeezed Keefe's hand. She placed a bandage over it, and then left.

I got a better look of Harry, who had hundreds of suction marks on him. Moody stood behind him, focusing on his safety. But his robotic eye was towards me and my direction.

Harry walked over to me, and gave me a lazy smile.

"You alright?"

I nodded.

He opened his mouth to say something, when the Minister started speaking.

"Good job champions!" The Minister said, his voice echoing across the water. "We have decided on our placing... In last place, Fleur Delacour, who has a total of 25/50 points. She failed to retrieve her sister. In third place, Harry Potter with a total of 40/50 points."

Everyone cheered for Harry, but his face showed disappointment.

"He retrieved two of the taken students." The minister continued. I raised an eyebrow at Harry who shrugged. "Next in second place, Sophie Foster." Everyone erupted into cheers, while Keefe kissed my cheek. "She was the second competitor to return and retrieved her boyfriend ... And finally in first place, Viktor Krum." Lots of people started to chant Viktors name. "He returned first and successfully retrieved his student. Everyone please rest up and focus on your classes."

Everyone started to leave the stands and take the boats back to the school. Keefe and I took the boat to where Linh said she would be. We went to a ledge at Hogwarts that overlooked the lake. Linh gazed at the water, and was murmuring something.

"Hi L-Linh." Keefe said, his teeth chattering from the cold.

She whipped around and smiled. She rushed over to us and wrapped us in a tight hug.

"N-need ai-air." I wheezed.

She quickly pulled away. "You guys are freezing."

Keefe and I nodded. Linh moved her hands gracefully and murmured something. Instantly all the water came off of us, and I looked like I was now about to compete.

"Thanks." I said, still cold but way better.

Linh smiled. "Of course! But what happened in the lake? The animals and I were talking but I felt the bubble pop before the hour."

I nodded. I told both of them what happened in the water, and showed them the memory of it all. By the time I was done Linh looked disappointed with herself.

"It's alright." I told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You couldn't have done anything to have known if it had really popped or not."

Linh nodded, and gave me a sad smile. "Sophie, I have news that you aren't going to like... Keefe and I have to leave right now."

My eyes widened. "To the Lost Cities?"

She nodded.

I had tears in my eyes and looked at Keefe who looked pale.

"I forgot..." he said in a daze.

I sighed.

"If it makes you feel any better, I dropped off a gift in your trunk by your bed." Linh said with a smile.

"Thanks Linh." I said, and wrapped her in a hug.

"Of course Sophie." She said and hugged me back.

Then we pulled away and I faced Keefe. I walked towards him as he walked towards me. We wrapped each other in a gentle hug, resting our heads on each others shoulders.

"Don't be so sad Foster," Keefe said softly. "We will see each other again soon."

A stubborn tear slipped free and was absorbed by his gray sweatshirt.

"I'm going to miss you." I whispered.

"I'll miss you too."

I heard a cough behind us, making us both pull away.

"Biana would love to see you guys like this." Linh said with a smirk.

Keefe and I both turned beet red.

I gave him one last kiss, then he walked over to Linh.

They both smiled at me while they  faded away to the lost cities.

I watched in silence as they disappeared. Once they were gone a tear I had been holding back finally slipped free. I wiped my eyes and looked and went inside the castle.

The Slytherin common room was loud when I walked in. Instantly the Slytherins hoisted me onto their shoulders and started cheering and celebrating. Again the Slytherins managed to sneak in Butterbeer for everyone.

Someone played some human music, and the whole common room was buzzing with excitement.

"You are the coolest person I know!" Gigi said, walking up to me, Ciella trailing her. She handed me a Butterbeer. "What are those marks on your face and body? They are so cool."

I looked at my stomach and saw that she was talking about the suctions from the Grindylows. I explained what happened underwater and said that Linh's bubble was just a spell.

"That's... insane." Ciella said, then raised her cup of Butterbeer in the air. "FOR SOPHIE!"

"FOR SOPHIE!" Everyone yelled and raised their glasses.

They all drank their Butterbeer and cheered. Gigi and Ciella each raised an eyebrow at me. I looked down at the yellow slushy liquid, that didn't look appetizing at all.

I then looked up at Ciella and Gigi, who still were watching me intently. I sighed and chugged the liquid in a big swig. Gigi and Ciella were cheering and laughing.

Once I finished I was gagging to the taste. I wiped my face and smiled at Ciella and Gigi. I walked over to them, when I tripped over someone's shoe. I fell into their arms, beet red.

I got upright and they both put their arms around my shoulders. We walked towards the dorms, where everyone was now heading.

I tripped again, cursing myself. Thankfully since Ciella and Gigis arms were around my shoulders, they held me upright. Once I recovered we all burst out laughing and went to our dorm room.

Sophie Foster and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now