Chapter 18

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Harry POV:

Well the Ball went horribly awful. Pavarti was miserable the whole time, and Ron's date ended up leaving him for someone else. The entire night we sat and watched Sophie, Keefe, Viktor, and Hermione dance and have fun.

Then Sophie and Keefe ran out of the ballroom, leaving everyone confused. But that summed up the night.

I jerked upright sweating from my nightmare. Everyone was just waking up, but I was still shook. I changed and went to the Dinning Hall with Ron and Hermione.

"Hey guys." We said to Sophie and Keefe, who looked like they were up to something.

"Hi." Sophie said.

"What's up?" Keefe said.

"How was the ball for you guys." Hermione asked.

They looked at each other and smirked. In unison they said, "Fun."

I gave my friends a look.

"We will talk to you guys later." I said.

We walked away, where Keefe and Sophie both reached for their faces. I also couldn't help but notice that Sophie had circles under her eyes.

Once we sat back down we immediately ate. Everyone was happily eating bacon, eggs, and toast when I smelled something.

I smelled again and this time it was way worse. I made a face at my friends, who had the same expression. Then the smell smelled like 50 skunks sprayed everyone in the room, rotting food, and people who hadn't showered.

Everyone gagged and screamed. Everyone rushed out of the hall, but it wasn't just the hall that smelled. It was the entire bloody castle.

Ron, Hermione, and I sprinted out the gates, relived by the fresh air. I inhaled the cold, moist, fresh air.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked.

"Probably Fred or George." I replied.

"Mate it wasn't us." Fred said, walking behind me. "Whoever did this prank has really outdone themselves. I would like to learn from them."

My jaw was dropped at that sentence. Fred and George are known for their pranks.

"Who could have done it?" Hermione asked.

I shrugged, then all of the teachers ran out of the castle. They were each panting, and Hagrid threw up behind a bush.

"Listen here students." Dumbledore said, slightly green. "There will be no classes until the smell is gone. We have no idea what this smell is, or how it was caused. But whoever did it will be in huge trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Keefe's voice said from behind the crowd.

Dumbledore ran a hand down his face. "The kind of trouble that will make you no longer able to attend this school."

Murmurs echoed throughout the crowd.

The teachers began to whisper among each other about if they should continue classes or not. Ron, Hermione, and I walked towards Keefe, Sophie, Ciella, and Gigi.

"This is insane." Hermione said, fixing her robes. "You have to admit though, whoever did this is a genius if they hadn't gotten caught."

Sophie turned slightly pink, but Keefe nudged her. Then I came to a realization.

"You two did it." I said, gesturing to Keefe and Sophie.

Sophie was going to say something, but Keefe cut her off. "How could we have done this? We were at the ball the whole night."

"You guys left for a while then came back." Ron said. "Everyone saw."

Sophie sighed and tightened her scarf. "You can't tell anyone."

Keefe groaned. "Foster can you lie for once in your life?"

Sophie blushed.

"You guys did this?" I clarified in shock. "How?"

"We left the ball for 15 minutes, setting up our props in each the left, middle, and right sides of the castle." Sophie explained. "Then we triggered it in the Dinning Hall during breakfast."

"You guys grossed yourselves out?" Gigi asked.

Keefe shook his head. "We made our pranks in our old school. We have masks that block out the smell."

He pulled out a clear mask from the pocket of his sweatshirt.

"Just wait until your class tomorrow." Keefe said mischievously. "Your teacher is going to get violated with our pranks."

We gave each other a look, not even bothering him to elaborate further.

"We have come to a conclusion!" Dumbledore announced. "Until we get the smell out of the castle, there will be no school. Everyone may go to Hogsmeade, and will be notified if classes are going to continue."

Everyone erupted into cheers.

We all walked to the carriages and took it to Hogsmeade.

I loved Hogsmeade. The snow capped roofs and pathways, the old and cozy buildings, and the food was always really good. Sophie and Keefe seemed to have the same reaction, with their jaws dropped.

I smiled, and we all went to the convenience  store.

It was packed as always. The room was buzzing with excitement, while everyone bought candy and checked out toys.

"Alright guys," Keefe said when we reached the candy section. "What should I get?"

I grabbed a box of every flavor beans. "This has jelly beans in every flavor."

"Even elv-" Sophie elbowed him, and he stopped. "I mean every flavor in the world?"

I nodded.

"Sign me up!" Keefe said and grabbed a box. "What else?"

Hermione held a box of chocolate frogs. Once he found out what it was, he bought that, the beans,  candy floss, and reluctantly got licorice sticks.

We headed outside, where Sophie needed to use the restroom and ran off. The four of us told Sophie to go to Hogshead.

We sat down and got a table, in the semi packed restaurant. We didn't order until Sophie returned, but she was taking a long time. It had been 15 minutes since she left, and I could tell something was wrong.

"Something is up." Keefe said, saying my thoughts.

"Let's go." Hermione said.

We all got up and rushed outside.

There was a huge crash, and a tree collapsed in the forest. Without hesitation we all sprinted into the forest.

We heard a scream that sounded like a girl, which made us run even faster. Finally we saw a huge white creature grab Sophie by her leg, holding her 5 feet in the air.

"Help!" She called when she saw us.

Keefe quickly grabbed rocks, and started throwing them at the creature. Thought it didn't even acknowledge Keefe. The creature faced us, and I realized it was a troll.

Ron was the first to react, and shot a spell at the troll, making him drop Sophie. He faced us with a club raised high.

"Avada Kedavra!" I yelled, as the green light flashed and the troll fell.

I ignored my friends looks and rushed to Sophie with Keefe. She sat there, dazed. Blood tricked down from her nose, and she had a bruise under her eye. Other than that she just looked tired.

"You okay?" Keefe asked, helping her up.

She nodded and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "I'm fine. What was that?"

"It's a troll." Hermione said. "We fought one in our first year."

Sophie and Keefe shared a look.

"Let's go get some food." Keefe said.

Everyone nodded in agreement as we headed back to Hogsmeade.

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