Chapter 13

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Sophie POV:

It has been two days since the first task. I still haven't figured out what to do with the egg. Every time I open it, it screams. The next task is in a month, and we still have no idea what it is. My hand was still bandaged, and my whole body was sore, but besides that I was living a "great" life.

Now we were in Moodys class, which I was kind of afraid of being in. Yesterday when he was doing  the Cruciatus Curse, it reminded me of myself. The curse was to inflict pain on others, only I could inflict on people without a wand.

When he was doing the Cruciatus Curse on that spider it was awful. The spider looked like it was going to die from pain, and Hermione begging Moody to stop was my breaking point.

I inflicted on Moody. I made him collapse in pain, in front of the whole class. I was greatful that no one knew it was me. But then I lost control and kept inflicting on him. I scared myself.

Now it was one day after, and Moody seemed more observant than normal.

"May I borrow Mrs. Foster for an interview?" Rita asked, barging into the room.

Moody sighed. "Fine."

I quickly got up and followed her. We walked into a broom covered.

"Well this is cozy." She said. "Harry thought so."

I didn't believe any of that, but I nodded.

"So Sophie," Rita said. "I am going to ask you a question, and my quill here will write down the question, and your response."

I nodded.

"So Sophie, we don't know much about you." Rita said. "What is your life outside of Hogwarts?"

I thankfully didn't pale at that question. "I live in San Diego California. I have a sister, my cat, and my parents."

"That's it?" Rita asked, making me annoyed. "Do you have a love life?"

I blushed and Rita smiled. "So she does. Tell me about him."

"Well, he is amazing." I started. "He is handsome, kind, and one of the most thoughtful people I know."

"Do you miss him?"

"Of course I miss him. I had to leave him in the states before I came to Hogwarts."

Rita smiled. "He sounds lovely. If I'm going to be honest Sophie, you are my favorite competitor this year. Although now we must go to the more difficult questions."

I nodded.

"How do you feel about being the prettiest girl in the school?" She said, watching me very closely.

I turned slightly pink. "I'm not one who likes attention. I would rather be a nobody than have lots of attention. Also I do not think as myself to be the prettiest girl in the school."

Rita smiled. "Everyone thinks you are... How do you feel about competing this year?"

I sighed. "I wish I wasn't. It's great knowing that I am supporting my school, but I don't want to get more attention because of it."

"Did you put or ask anyone to put your name in the cup?"

I shook my head. "Harry and I have no idea how our names ended up in the cup."

Rita nodded. "Why do you pull out your eyelashes when you get nervous or stressed?"

I paled. "How do you know I do that?"

Rita smiled. "I'm a reporter dear. I notice things that nobody else does."

"I haven't pulled out any of my eyelashes since the tournament where I was alone in the tent." I murmured. "We're you stalking me?!"

Skeeter paled. I entered her mind, and found out that she was.

"Please don't stalk me," I told her politely, but clearly annoyed. "Goodbye Rita."

"I got what I needed." Rita said. "Goodbye Sophie, and you still are my favorite competitor."

I sighed and left the room, where everyone was hanging out in the main courtyard outside. I walked there and noticed something.

Crab and Goyle were having a booth and selling something. I walked over and saw pins with my face on them. It said my name on the top and bottom. Then the pin changed its cover saying "true champion", with the Triwizard cup. The pin changed again to a green side. It was Harry's face, that was captioned with "potter stinks".

"Did Malfoy make these?" I asked Crab and Goyle, angrily.

They both nodded.

I walked over to Malfoy, with his wand pointed at Harry's back. I was about to scream, when a spell was fired at Malfoy, turning him into a Ferret.

Moody walked over. "How dare you shoot a spell at someone who's back is turned!"

I walked over to Harry who was snickering at Malfoy.

Then Moody levitated the Ferret with his wand. He moved him up and down, making everyone erupt into laughter.

This was awful

Then McGonigall rushed over. "What is this?"

Then once she saw all the students her eyes widened. "Is that a student?!"

Everyone laughed even harder.

McGonigall stopped the spell, making the Ferret fall. I quickly caught Malfoy before he could hit the ground.

"Turn him back." McGonigall demanded to Moody.

"Fine." Moody grumbled and turned him back human.

Malfoy hid behind the tree from Moody. Once he walked away, he let out a sigh of relief. And smiled once he saw me.

"Did you see-" he started, but I cut him off.

"What is this?" I demanded, holding up the pin for him to see.

Everyone rushed over, and huddled around. Harry stood in the front.

"I made that for you." Malfoy said. "I hoped you would appreciate it."

I sighed. "I do appreciate it. But I don't appreciate the side where you made fun of Harry."

"He shouldn't even be competing this year." Malfoy argued, looking annoyed.

"Yea well he is." I said. "And why would you make fun of another competitor? He is the same as me."

"Only you are prettier." Malfoy said, making people snicker.

Then I did something which I thought I would never do. I slapped him across the face.

The slap echoed through the entire courtyard. Malfoy looked really mad, but he stalked away.

Everyone looked at me, with their jaws dropped. Their thoughts said that they only found me more attractive now that I did that.

They exploded into cheers, and lifted me onto their shoulders. Even the Griffindoors. I smiled, knowing that I had done everyone a huge favor.

Once I was set down, everyone high-fived me, and clapped my back.

"That was brilliant." Harry told me.

I smiled. "Well I had to stand up for my friend."

Sophie Foster and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now