Chapter 24

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We fell on the ground in a heap. The band started playing, and the students all started cheering. Harry and I lay there sobbing about what had just happened.

"He's back... he's back..." Harry kept murmuring.

I let the tears I was holding back finally come down.

Then a familiar boy with ice blue eyes cupped his hands around my face.

"Sophie! Sophie what happened?!" Keefe asked.

"Neverseen." I wheezed. "We have to get out of here."

"Who we?" Keefe asked with a frown. "Moody took Harry out of here now."

I sob slipped out of me. "I need help. Elwin help."

Keefe carried my bridal style and ran to the medical wing. He placed me on a cot where Madam Pomfrey began treating my burns.

Keefe hailed Elwin who came immediately. Elwin managed to convince Pomfrey to set up for Harry when he comes, and to let him deal with me.

"It isn't the same without you nearly dying." Elwin huffed.

I gave a weak laugh. "Thanks."

He smiled and put a salve on a bandage. He wrapped it around my upper arms and instantly the burns cooled down. He began to feed me elixirs when the Hogwarts teachers rushed in with Harry.

They placed him on the cot next to me, and started tending his wounds. Our friends all stood in the doorway watching and talking.

"Sophie and Harry show me your arms now!" Dumbledore demanded.

We both stuck out our cut forearms to him where everyone gasped. Minus the elves of course.

"He is back." Dumbledore murmured. "You two need to explain everything now. And Sophie tell everyone what you are."

I sighed and explained everything about how we were all elves and how the Neverseen sided with Voldemort. Harry explained everything else that happened, which was a lot. Turns out Moody was a crazy escaped prisoner. They found the real Moody hidden in a secret location.

"That's a lot." McGonigall breathed.

"It's time that the elf's go back home." Dumbledore said.

The goodbyes were really emotional. The trio and I agreed that whenever they needed our help, they would call us with the Impather Dex made them. Same goes for the elves.

Once we said our goodbyes we gazed at the castle one last time.

"Ready to go home Foster?" Keefe asked me.

I gave him a smile. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Then we all leaped to the Lost Cities.

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