Chapter 3

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I woke up to an amazing sunrise. I sat upright, and rubbed my eyes. I glanced at Lunas cage, where she was sitting in her cage. I smiled and got up to brush my teeth and change.

I then walked out of the hotel, pushing my trolly infront of me. I called over a taxi, where the person inside gave a strange look at all of my things.

"Where are you heading?" He asked.

"Kings cross station." I told him.

He nodded and opened the trunk. I put everything but Lunas cage in there. Then we drove to the train station.

I handed him 5 pounds, which I traded a Gallion for it. I grabbed my stuff, then walked towards the packed station.

Once I got inside everyone's mental voices screamed in my head. My hands darted to my pocket and I frantically tried to get my earbud into my ears. Once they were in I played some music, and the voices dimmed. I realized someone was shaking my shoulder.

I whipped around to find Malfoy standing there with concern on his face. "You okay there?"

I nodded.

"Good, the train will be leaving soon so I suggest we start going." Malfoy said, dragging his trolly.

I followed, and noticed that he we was wearing the cloak only of his Hogwarts uniform, and had regular clothes underneath.

"How are we going to get to Platform 9 3/4?" I asked Malfoy. "It doesn't exist."

Malfoy smirked. "Not to humans there isn't."

I frowned, but we kept walking then we stopped between platform 9 and 10. There were alot of kids standing in front of the wall, saying goodbye to their parents. But then one of the kids sprinted towards the wall at max speed. I nearly screamed, but he simply ran through the wall.

"What the..." I started.

Malfoy snickered. "It's magic. The wall has the train behind it. We just need to run through it that's all."

I nodded.

Then he sprinted towards the wall. I cringed, but he ran right through it. I took a deep breath, then I ran towards the wall. I braced myself for contact, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to find hundreds of kids talking and surrounding a large train. I gasped in awe.

"Let's go." Malfoy said.

We dropped our stuff off at the drop off zone, and went inside the train. We walked past booths of students, but I followed Malfoy into a booth. There were two boys, both chubby and were in Slytherin.

"Sophie this is Crab and Goyle." Malfoy said, and gestured to the two boys who's jaws were dropped and had their eyes glued to me. "Guys this is Sophie. She is a 4th year transfer."

"Nice to meet you." They both said.

I sat in the corner of the left side of the booth. Malfoy sat next to me, next to the open doors. Crab and Goyle sat across from me.

Then there was a boy with circled glasses, a boy with red hair, and a gorgeous girl with light brown hair. They were walking past our booth, when Malfoy stuck his leg out and tripped the one with the glasses.

"Watch where you are going Potter." Malfoy said, snickering.

Crab and Goyle both snickered along side him.

The boy with the glasses glared at Malfoy, but his gaze turned to shock when he saw me. The red head and girl looked through the door and had the same expression. I looked at my shoes.

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