Chapter 16

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Harry POV:

It was now Saturday, and the dance was tomorrow. Neville taught me how to dance, so thankfully I now knew how. Then Ron and I asked Parvati and Padma. We didn't even want to go with them, we just needed dates.

Hermione, Ron, and I were eating dinner now, when Sophie walked in with a really handsome guy.

"Who is that?" I asked Ron and Hermione.

They both looked at Sophie and gasped.

"Sophie told me that her boyfriend was flying out to be her date." Hermione explained. "She said that he was going to be good looking, but I didn't expect that."

Ron sighed. "I bet every girl has a crush on him. And nearly everyone already likes Sophie."

"Jealous Ron?" I asked with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up Harry."

Hermione and I gave each other a look.

After dinner we went over to Sophie.

"Hi Sophie." We all said.

"Hi guys." She replied. "Keefe, this is Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Guys, this is my boyfriend Keefe."

Ron and I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you guys." He said in the same accent as Sophie.

"How long are you staying for?" Hermione asked.

Keefe smirked. "Two whole weeks. So I could watch you guys compete, and so I could go to the dance."

I nodded.

Keefe seemed like the boy who gets in trouble a lot. He also seemed popular and well liked. No wonder why Sophie loved him so much.

"We have to go try on our outfits for the dance." I said. "Nice meeting you Keefe."

"Nice meeting you guys." He called back and walked away with Sophie.

"He seemed nice." I told my friends, as we walked to the common room.

They both nodded in agreement. Then we reached the common room.

Hermione found a news paper on the table.

"I'm going to kill her." Hermione snarled.

"What happened?" Ron and I said in unison.

She handed us the paper, and already I was mad. Half the page was detected to me, and the other to Sophie.

On my half there was a picture of me holding the egg, and a heart with me and Hermione hugging.

"She is evil." Ron said.

I then read the paper out loud. "Harry Potter is competing in the Triwizard Tournament at the age of 12. He lived in a broom covered his whole life, while living with his a aunt, uncle, and cousin, where he was neglected and mistreated. His potential love interests are Sophie Foster, and Hermione Granger. Hermione has a taste for famous Wizards, as it is rumored that she is going to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum."

I gave Hermione a look.

"None of you guys asked me, and he did. So I figured I would go with him." Hermione said.

I sighed and kept reading. "Harry Potter might have put his name in the cup due to him having some of Voldemorts cursed abilities. Could Harry Potter have cheated his way into the tournament? Next up is Sophie Foster."

I crumpled the paper and tossed it across the room.

"Has she gone mad!" I yelled. "I told her hundreds of times that I didn't know how my name ended up in the cup! But here she is throwing all of these inaccurate assumptions about us!"

Hermione went over and picked up the paper. "Let's at least see what she wrote about Sophie."

We nodded as Hermione she flattened the paper.

"Sophie Foster is a 12 year old girl, competing in this years Triwizard Tournament." Hermione started. "She lives in San Diego California, with her sister, mother, and father. Sophie has a boyfriend, who flew out to Hogwarts to be her date to the Yule Ball. She claims that she does not know how her name ended up in the cup, only that her and Harry Potter did not put their names in it in the first place. She seems fond of Hagrid, the grounds keeper at Hogwarts, as I saw her talking to him in his hut. She also has a nervous habit of pulling out her eyelashes when she is stressed. She does not like seeking attention, though she is the prettiest girl at Hogwarts, and my personal favorite competitor. She tends to blush when complemented or embarrassed, which adds more to her adorable personality."

My jaw was dropped. "Skeeter managed to get all of that in one interview?"

Hermione frowned. "I don't think she got all of that from the interview. Not to mention, she embarrassed Sophie by exposing her blush or when she pulls out her eyelashes."

Ron smirked. "What if that bloody reporter is stalking her?"

I shrugged. "She seems like the type to do so. Though she shows complete bias to Sophie. She even admitted that she is her favorite competitor!"

"What are you thinking?" Hermione asked.

"What if Skeeter is trying to change the judges points to favor Sophie?"

"I don't think she would do that." Hermione said. "After all, all the judges are mad, even Dumbledore, about you and Sophie competing."

"Do you think that they don't what you guys to win?" Ron asked me.

I nodded. "I think their being honest, but don't support us."

Ron and Hermione nodded.

"Let's go to bed." Ron said. "I'm not in the mood to wear my Great Aunt Tessie's dress robes."

We laughed and said goodnight, heading to bed.

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