Chapter 4

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Harry POV: (A/N I wanted to change the pov)

"Ron, remind me what is so special about this girl?" I asked him as we were boarding the Hogwarts express.

"Mum said that she was gorgeous and a very nice person. Mum and dad went to dinner with her as well, where she said she was a transfer. I'm on pretty sure her name is Sophie." Ron explained.

I nodded, and we went down the isle of the train. Suddenly I tripped over someone's foot. I stumbled, and managed to keep myself upright. I looked at the foot, and saw that it was Draco Malfoy's foot.

"Watch where you are going Potter." Malfoy said, snickering.

Crab and Goyle snickered along side him, but my gaze shifted over to a girl in their booth. She had golden hair, and warm brown eyes with gold flecks. She was absolutely the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her expression held sympathy towards me.

"Your going to get what's coming to you Malfoy." I said, then me and my friends walked over to an empty booth and sat down.

"That girl was stunning." I told Ron and Hermione.

"Yeah, but did you notice that she was sitting with Malfoy?" Hermione said.

We all sighed. "Probably a Slytherin."

"Well, this year is the Triwizard tournament." Hermione said.

"Yea, dad is working on that department for the games. But I don't think we should compete, we deserve a break from saving and being known through out the whole bloody school." Ron said.

We all agreed on that.

Hermione picked up a news paper that was in the booth. "I can't believe that the Quidditch match was attacked by death eaters."

"Bloody hell that can't be a coincidence that we were there." Ron said as he was going through his own news paper.

"Let's just ignore it for now, and worry about it when we have to." I told them.

They both nodded and the trolley came. We ate and talked for the rest of the train ride. Then soon enough we arrived at Hogwarts.

We changed into our robes, then went inside the castle, while Hagrid took the first years. We say down at the Griffindoor table in the dinning hall. We talked with our friends we haven't seen all summer, and talked about the Triwizard tournament.

Finally the first years came. We cheered and clapped for them everytime they were sorted into Griffindoor. But then after the first years we're done McGonigall still stood up there.

"Transfer student Sophie Foster." She called.

Then the girl who was sitting next to Malfoy walked in. She didn't seem mean and stuff. But she sure was pretty. As she walked down the hall, people whispered about her beauty, and she hid behind her hair. She nearly tripped as she picked up her pace and rushed to the platform. Once she was there, she stole a glance at Hagrid and looked around the room.

"Ron," I whispered. "Is she the girl your mom was talking about?"

He glanced at her. "I think so. She is gorgeous and she doesn't seem mean. But mum also said she is a transfer."

"She has to be nice if your mom said so." Hermione said.

We looked at Sophie where McGonigall placed the hat on her head.

"Hmmm... this one is very difficult." The hat said, making Sophie jump and some people snicker. "She has the Heart of a Hufflepuff, Curiosity of a Ravenclaw, Courage of a Griffindoor, and Cleverness of a Slytherin.... If I could put her in every house I would, but no a decision must be made. The house that would promise most success is... SLYTHERIN!"

The Slytherin table was practically screaming when they cheered. Sophie looked disappointed, but hid it quickly with a smile. She sat next to Malfoy who clapped her back, while everyone shook her hand.

"I don't think she is happy." I told Hermione and Ron.

They didn't hear me due to the chaos. But Dumbledore silenced everyone.

"Good evening everyone, and happy Halloween." He announced. "Now I have a announcements.... This year Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament." The whole hall erupted in cheers. "Right now please welcome one of our competitors, the Beauxbatons Academy."

Hundreds of girls came through the door. They ran forward, then stopped and graciously looked at everyone and smiled. They did that until they got to the front.

"Welcome Beauxbatons Academy." Dumbledore said, and kissed a 6 foot tall ladies hand. "Please stand to the left side by the Slytherin house."

They did as he said, and Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Now please welcome Durm-"

He was cut off with a loud bang. 4 people walked out with sticks. They banged them on the ground, making sparks fly. Then the dropped their staffs and started doing flips and tricks down the hall. To end it, once they got to the front, one of them blew fire making everyone erupt into cheers. Then a old man and someone who looked really familiar walked out.

"It's Viktor Krum." Ron marveled.

I watched in awe as their serious faces walked down the hall. They both shook Dumbledores hand and stood next to the Beauxbatons Academy.

"These schools are crazy!" I told Ron and Hermione.


"Well then." Dumbledore said. "Tomorrow we will-"

Lightning shot from the night sky in the dinning hall. Everyone screamed, but then the sound of a wand calmed everyone down. We looked to where it came from to find a man with a electric eye.

The eye stayed on me for a minute, then shifted to someone else. I couldn't help but think that it was strange.

"Professor Moody." Dumbledore said, and gave him a hug. They exchanged some words then Moody sat with the teachers. Though his eye was still on me.

"Now as I was saying." Dumbledore said, standing at his podium. "The Triwizard tournament is hosted by Hogwarts. Tomorrow at 7:00 PM sharp, we will be drawing names from the goblet of fire." He removed the cover of something on his podium. It was a huge goblet with blue fire inside. "Now the Ministry of Magic has decided to create a new rule, due to what happened at the Quidditch match. No competitor under the age of 17 is allowed to compete this year."

Everyone started screaming and yelling at Dumbledore.

"Rubbish!" Fred and George shouted.

Dumbledore looked stress by everyone's yelling. I gave Ron and Hermione a look who returned it. Then Dumbledore yelled. "SILENCE!"

Everyone stopped complaining.

"So," Dumbledore said. "Everyone over the age of 17 will be competing. All the papers with your names on it must be turned in by 7:00 PM, if you want to compete. If anyone underage puts their name in the cup, the cup will not allow it and you will be in huge trouble. Now rest up."

We all left for the common rooms. Once we got to the Griffindoor common room, it brought back so many great memories.

We all had to go straight to bed, since school started tomorrow. I changed into my pajamas and said goodnight to my friends. We turned off the light, and I lay down. I lay there smiling, knowing that this year was going to be completely normal.

Sophie Foster and the Triwizard TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now